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This wan is called 'The Little Eagle, an' 'tis about th' son iv Napolyon th' Impror iv th' Fr-rinch, th' first wan, not th' wan I had th' fight about in Schwartzmeister's in eighteen hundhred an' siventy. Bad cess to that man, he was no good. I often wondher why I shtud up f'r him whin he had hardly wan frind in th' counthry. But I did, an' ye might say I'm a vethran iv th' Napolyonic Wars.

It was the formula employed by a planetary king, like Napolyon of Flamberge or Rodolf of Excalibur. And, now that he thought of it, Angus had consistently used the royal first-person plural. Maybe that fellow who had shouted about Angus the First of Gram had only been doing what he'd been paid to do.

We were expecting the Enterprise to make enough in the Old Federation to finish the second one. Then, with two ships and a base on Tanith, the money would begin coming in instead of going out. But now " "It leaves me where I was on Flamberge," Harkaman added. "Worse. King Napolyon was going to help the Elmersans, and I'd have gotten a command in that. It's too late for that now."

Th' tailor d'ye mind is a rivolutionist in disguise, an' has come down fr'm Paris f'r to injooce th' young man to take th' vacancy. 'Fourteen, six, thirty-three. How'll ye have th' pants made, Impror? says th' tailor. 'Wan or two hip pockets? says he. "'Two hips, says young Napolyon. 'What do ye mean be that"? he says. "'Thirty-eight, siventeen, two sides, wan watch, buckle behind.

"Napolyon Bonypart, impror iv th' Fr-rinch, was far too gay aven f'r thim friv'lous people, an' had fits. His first wife was no betther than she shud be, an' his second wife didn't care f'r him. Willum Shakespeare is well known as an author of plays that no wan can play, but he was betther known as a two-handed dhrinker, a bad actor, an' a thief.

There isn't one of them Napolyon of Flamberge, Rodolf of Excalibur, or Angus of about half of Gram who is devoted to civilization or anything else outside himself, and that's the mark of the barbarian." "What are you devoted to, Otto?" "You. You are my chieftain. That's another mark of the barbarian."

Billy was puzzled; he was sure she had said "Born in a manger." "I didn't hear her say nothin' 'bout bulrushes," he thought, "so 'tain't Moses; she didn't say 'log cabin, so 'tain't Ab'aham Lincoln; she didn't say 'Thirty cents look down upon you, so 'tain't Napolyon. I sho' wish I'd paid 'tention." "Jesus!" his aunt was saying, "born in Virginia and first president of the United States!"

The King was simply the first nobleman of the planet. Even kings like Rodolf of Excalibur or Napolyon of Flamberge didn't try to be anything more. Thereafter, he addressed his greetings and reports to the Prime Minister, always with a personal message, to which Grauffis replied in kind. Not only the form but also the content of the messages from Gram underwent change.

I am so. "But th' first Napolyon was a diff'rent man, an' whin he died he left a son that th' coorts tur-rned over to th' custody iv his mother, th' ol' man bein' on th' island th' same place where Gin'ral Crownjoy is now. Tis about this la-ad th' play's written.