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You are sitting, perhaps, in your coracle, upon some mountain tarn, waiting for a wind, and waiting in vain. "Keine luft an keine seite, Todes-stille frchterlich;" as Gthe has it "Und der schiffer sieht bekmmert Glatte flche rings umher."

Now obviously there is a peril for poor human nature in words and thoughts of such exuberant self-satisfaction, until we find ourselves safe in the streets of the Celestial City. "Das wenige verschwindet leicht dem Blicke Der vorwärts sieht, wie viel noch übrig bleibt " says Goethe; "the little that is done seems nothing when we look forward and see how much we have yet to do."

The extraordinary storm during which King Lear roams about the heath, or the grass which for some reason he puts on his head like Ophelia in "Hamlet" or Edgar's attire, or the fool's speeches, or the appearance of the helmeted horseman, Edgar all these effects not only fail to enhance the impression, but produce an opposite effect. "Man sieht die Absicht und man wird verstimmt," as Goethe says.

Thereupon Bismarck took two of the mugs in immediate succession; poured their contents down his throat, evidently with great gusto; and a burly peasant just back of me, unable longer to restrain his admiration, soliloquized in a deep, slow, guttural, reverberating rumble: ``A-a-a-ber er sieht sehr-r-r gut aus. So it struck me also; the waters of Kissingen had evidently restored the great man, and he looked like a Titan ready for battle.

The Establishment of the Military Monarchy Wie er sich sieht so um und um, Kehrt es ihm fast den Kopf herum, Wie er wollt' Worte zu allem finden? Wie er mocht' so viel Schwall verbinden? Wie er mocht' immer muthig bleiben So fort und weiter fort zu schreiben? Goethe. Marcus Lepidus and Quintus Sertorius The Opposition Jurists Aristocrats Friendly to Reform Democrats

Das Auge sieht den Himmel offen, Es schwimmt das Herz in seligkeit. The passage from which these lines are taken is the very beautiful one thus rendered in English by the late Lord Lytton: And, lo! as some sweet vision breaks Out from its native morning skies, With rosy shame on downcast cheeks, The virgin stands before his eyes: A nameless longing seizes him!

Man sieht dir's an den Augen an, Gewiss, du hast geweint." Helen might have spent the afternoon in that situation, tormenting herself with the doubts and fears that filled her mind, had it not been for the fact that her presence was discovered by Elizabeth, the servant, who came in to clean the room.

Und das Grosse, reift indessen Still heran. Es ersheint nun: niemand sieht es, Niemand hört es im Geschrei Mit bescheid'ner Trauer zieht es Still vorbei. This lamentable death of the critical faculty is not less obvious in the case of science, as is shown by the tenacious life of false and disproved theories.