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"Wer nicht liebt Wein, Weib, und Gesang Der bleibt ein Narr sein Leben lang," and when he advised a young scholar perplexed with fore-ordination and free-will, to get well drunk. "The nerves," says Cabanis, "they are the man." My neighbor, a jolly farmer, in the tavern bar-room, thinks that the use of money is sure and speedy spending.

On this occasion the Socialists forbade their representative to go, and the Emperor, therefore, refused to receive any of them. As usual, they played into his hands. Hans bleibt immer Hans, and on this occasion his vulgar hack of good manners only brought contumely upon the whole Reichstag, and left the Emperor as the outstanding dignified figure in the controversy.

So, when the German phrase rings out, "Was wir haben bleibt Deutsch" "What we are now holding by force of arms shall remain forever German" there is an answering thrill in the heart of every Antwerp clerk who for years has been leaking Belgian government gossip into German ears in return for a piece of money.

What he saw was a composite woman with flushed cheeks and soliciting eyes, becomingly gowned and hatted to the masculine judgment. On the walls, heavily frescoed in the German style, he read, in Gothic letters: "Wer liebt nicht Wein, Weib, and Gesang, Er bleibt ein Narr sein Leben lang." The waiter brought the sandwiches and beer, yet he did not eat.

But it is no less true that, as respects a higher power and a future state, man, in the language of Goethe's scoffing friend, "bleibt stets von gleichem Schlag, Und ist so wunderlich als wie am ersten Tag." The history of Catholicism strikingly illustrates these observations.

What he saw was a composite woman with flushed cheeks and soliciting eyes, becomingly gowned and hatted to the masculine judgment. On the walls, heavily frescoed in the German style, he read, in Gothic letters: "Wer liebt nicht Wein, Weib, and Gesang, Er bleibt ein Narr sein Leben lang." The waiter brought the sandwiches and beer, yet he did not eat.

The Allgemeine deutsche Bibliothek reviews both the Bode and Mittelstedt renderings, together with Bode’s translation of Stevenson’s continuation, in the second volume of the Anhang to Volumes I-XII. The critique of Bode’s work defines, largely in the words of the book itself, the peculiar purpose and method of the Journey, and comments briefly but with frank enthusiasm on the various touching incidents of the narrative: “Nur ein von der Natur verwahrloseter bleibt dabei kalt und gleichgültig,” remarks the reviewer. The conception of Yorick’s personal character, which prevailed in Germany, obtained by a process of elimination and misunderstanding, is represented by this critic when he records without modifying his statement: “Various times Yorick shows himself as the most genuine foe of self-seeking, of immoral double entendre, and particularly of assumed seriousness, and he scourges them emphatically.” The review of the third and fourth parts contains a similar and perhaps even more significant passage illustrating the view of Yorick’s character held by those who did not know him and had the privilege of admiring him only in his writings and at a safe distance. “Yorick,” he says, “although he sometimes brings an event, so to speak, to the brink of an indecorous issue, manages to turn it at once with the greatest delicacy to a decorous termination. Or he leaves it incomplete under such circumstances that the reader is impressed by the rare delicacy of mind of the author, and can never suspect that such a man, who never allows a double entendre to enter his mind without a blush, has entertained an indecent idea.” This view is derived from a somewhat short-sighted reading of the Sentimental Journey: the obvious Sterne of Tristram Shandy, and the more insidiously concealed creator of the Journey could hardly be characterized discriminatingly by such a statement. Sterne’s cleverness consists not in suggesting his own innocence of imagination, but in the skill with which he assures his reader that he is master of the situation, and that no possible interpretation of the passage has escaped his intelligence. To the Mittelstedt translation is accorded in this review the distinction of being, in the rendering of certain passages, more correct than Bode’s. A

But it is no less true that, as respects a higher power and a future state, man, in the language of Goethe's scoffing fiend, "bleibt stets von gleichem Schlag, Und ist so wunderlich als wie am ersten Tag." The history of Catholicism strikingly illustrates these observations.

Denis: the dogs are said to have been painted by Snyders; R., 2095, Apotheosis of Henry. Like the ascending Faust in Henry's portly form, "Bleibt ein Erdenrest Zu tragen peinlich."

The marriage service still reads: "He shall be your ruler, and you shall be his vassal." The women are not only patient with all that requires patience of the men, but they are patient with the men besides, a heavy additional burden from the American point of view. Beethoven writes: "Resignation! Welch' elendes Hülfsmittel! Und doch bleibt es mir das einzige übrige."