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Cosmo led Agnes through the fields to the little hollow where she had so often gone to seek him. There they sat down in the grass, and waited for the moon. Cosmo pointed out the exact spot where she rose that night she looked at him through the legs of the cow. "Ye min' Grizzle's rime," he said: "'Whan the coo loups ower the mune, The reid gowd rains intil men's shune'?

Ericson burst out laughing, and sat down. But still he hesitated. 'Aff wi' yer shune, sir. Duv ye think I can wash yer feet throu ben' leather? said Miss Letty, not disdaining to advance her fingers to a shoe-tie. 'But I'm ashamed. My stockings are all in holes. A body wad think ye had a clo'en fit in ilk ane o' thae bits o' shune o' yours.

I didna even ken it was him, till we war near-han' the hoose. 'Lat me see the shune, said Mrs. Falconer, speaking almost for the first time. 'What's the maitter wi' them? Examining the shoes, she saw they were in a perfectly sound state, and this confirmed her suspicion that there was more in the affair than had yet come out.

The stairheid was fu' o' fowk, a' oot in their nicht-goons to see what was ado; but, I can ashure you, when they saw Sandy comin' fleein' up, they shune disappeared. Six policemen cudna scattered them so quick. He came spankin' into my room, an' drappit intil a chair, fair oot o' pech. "Oh, Bawbie, Bawbie!" he cried, "gi'e's a drink. Tak' that umberell," he says, haudin' oot the bell to me.

With these words she hauled him away to this sanctum sanctorum, the scrubbing and cleaning whereof was her daily employment, as its high state of good order constituted the very pride of her heart. Morton, as he followed her into the room, underwent a rebuke for not "dighting his shune," which showed that Ailie had not relinquished her habits of authority.

'Weel, I kenna wha brocht the shune, as I tellt ye a'ready. 'But they wantit nae men'in'. 'I micht hae men't them an' forgotten 't, mem. 'Noo ye're leein'. 'Gin ye gang on that gait, mem, I winna speyk a word o' trowth frae this moment foret. 'Jist tell me what ye ken aboot thae shune, an' I'll no say anither word. 'Weel, mem, I'll tell ye the trowth.

Thae shune lat me see them they're Here's Robert himsel'. Are thae shune yours, noo, Robert? 'Ay are they. Ye made them yersel'. 'Hoo cam they in my chop, than? 'Speir nae mair quest'ons nor's worth answerin', said Robert, with a look meant to be significant. 'They're my shune, and I'll keep them. Aiblins ye dinna aye ken wha's shune ye hae, or whan they cam in to ye.

But this noise tumultuous o' human strife, this din' o' iron shune an' iron wheels, this whurr and whuzz o' buyin' an' sellin' an' gettin' gain it disna help a body to their prayers." "Eh, na, my lord! Jist think o' the preevilege I never saw nor thoucht o' 't afore o' haein' 't i' yer pooer, ony nicht 'at ye're no efter the fish, to stap oot at yer ain door, an' be in the mids o' the temple!

I shall drop right down into it if I do!" she faltered, beginning to sob. "Nae fear o' that! There! ye canna fa' noo, for Blue Peter has the other en', and Peter's as strong 's twa pownies. I'm gaein to tak aff yer shune neist." So saying, he lowered himself a little through the breach, holding on by the broken wall with one hand, while he gently removed her sandal shoes with the other.

They hae ba's o' 't i' their feet, an' they canna get a grip wi' them, nae mair nor ye cud yersel', mem, gien the soles o' yer shune war roon' an' made o'ice. But we'll sune set that richt. Hoo far hae ye come, mem, gien I may speir? Aigh, mem, its an unco nicht!"