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He reflected a moment, apparently recalling his impression, then replied: "Oh, they had no shortcake there!" In 1854 I availed myself of my summer vacation to pay my first visit to the national capital, little dreaming that it would ever be my home.

I can cook, boy, in a way to make your mother's Sunday dinner, with company expected look like Mrs. Newly-wed's first attempt at `riz' biscuits. And I don't mean any disrespect to your mother when I say it. I'm going to have noodle-soup, and fried chicken, and hot biscuits, and creamed beans from our own garden, and strawberry shortcake with real " "Hush!" shouted Sam.

If more butter or some cream is added and it is rolled out thin, it serves very well for the bread part of shortcake. Toast: Slice any kind of bread fairly thin, preferably stale bread. Place the slices into a moderately hot oven and let them remain there until they are crisp through and through. The scorched bread that is generally served as toast is no better than untoasted bread.

But the shortcake should be the meal, not the end of one that has already furnished too much food. Fruit combines well with both milk and cheese. The impression to the contrary that has been gained from both medical and lay writers is due to false deductions based on premises not founded on facts. Milk and fruit, and nothing else, make very good meals in summer.

The sleeper whose name was William Berry rose and stretched himself and was introduced to the newcomer. He was a short, genial man, of some thirty years, with blond, curly hair and mustache. On account of his shortness and high color he was often referred to as the Billberry shortcake. His fat cheeks had a color as definite as that of the blossoms on his shirt, now rather soiled.

"Now, that's downright shamefu'," said Mrs. Heukbane, "to scorn the poor silly gait of a lassie after he's keepit company wi' her sae lang, and had his will o' her, as I make nae doubt he has." "It's but ower muckle to be doubted," echoed Mrs. Shortcake; "to cast up to her that her father's a barber and has a pole at his door, and that she's but a manty-maker hersell! Hout fy for shame!"

The only wonder is that those revisers did not insert strawberry shortcake and ice cream in place of daily bread. Some of these ministers who are writing speeches for the Lord think they are smart. They have fooled with Christ's Sermon on the Mount until He couldn't tell it if He was to meet it in the Chicago Times. This thing has gone on long enough, and we want a stop put to it.

"We had our supper an early one," she went on, "but I saved some for you boys. You shall eat first, and then tell us your story." "I guess Zip wants to eat, too," said Laddie. "He didn't catch the rabbit and the cat scratched him." "I'll have Jane give Zip a good supper," said Grandma Bell. "And there is strawberry shortcake for you boys." "Oh, goody!" cried Russ. Laddie clapped his hands in joy.

That's too bad!" said Uncle Wiggily, kindly. "Let me see. What's her name?" "Sallieann Peachbasket Shortcake," answered Susie. "What a funny name," laughed the bunny uncle. Uncle Wiggily took Susie's doll, which had been given her at Christmas, and looked at it.

We've both of us seen the real thing, and there's nothing real about what they show you here." "Chinatown is erased from our program," Sogrange agreed. "We go now to dine. Remind me, Baron, that I inquire for those strange dishes of which one hears Terrapin, Canvas-backed Duck, Green Corn, Strawberry Shortcake." Peter smiled grimly.