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"Not at all, not at all," said Oldbuck, resuming the subject of his disquisition "the human mind is to be treated like a skein of ravelled silk, where you must cautiously secure one free end before you can make any progress in disentangling it." "I ken naething about that," said the gaberlunzie; "but an my auld acquaintance be hersell, or anything like hersell, she may come to wind us a pirn.

"There was little clash about it, man," replied Macraw; "he liked this young leddy, ana suld hae married her, but his mother fand it out, and then the deil gaed o'er Jock Webster. At last, the peer lass clodded hersell o'er the scaur at the Craigburnfoot into the sea, and there was an end o't." "An end ot wi' the puir leddy," said the mendicant, "but, as I reckon, nae end o't wi' the yerl."

Then recollecting himself, he added, "Yet what needs ane be angry at her, that has neither soul nor sense? though I am no that muckle better mysell. She's but a rickle o' auld rotten deals nailed thegither, and warped wi' the wind and the sea and I am a dour carle, battered by foul weather at sea and land till I am maist as senseless as hersell.

Eh, sirs! the comely young lord is turned as auld and frail as I am: it's muckle that sorrow and heartbreak, and crossing of true love, will do wi' young blood. But suldna his mither hae lookit to that hersell? we were but to do her bidding, ye ken. I am sure there's naebody can blame me he wasna my son, and she was my mistress.

Hobbie Elliot pointed out one of these to Earnscliff, which seemed to glide from the house towards some of the outhouses-"That's Grace hersell," said Hobbie. "She'll no meet me at the door, I'se warrant her but she'll be awa', for a' that, to see if my hounds' supper be ready, poor beasts." "Love me, love my dog," answered Earnscliff. "Ah, Hobbie, you are a lucky young fellow!"

"When she has clinkit hersell down that way, and faulded her arms, she winna speak a word, they say, for weeks thegither. And besides, to my thinking, her face is sair changed since we cam in. However, I'se try her ance mair to satisfy your honour. So ye canna keep in mind, cummer, that your auld mistress, the Countess Joscelin, has been removed?"

There's Border-warrants too in the south country, unco rash uncanny things; I was taen up on ane at Saint James's Fair, and keepit in the auld kirk at Kelso the haill day and night; and a cauld goustie place it was, I'se assure ye. But whatna wife's this, wi' her creel on her back? It's puir Maggie hersell, I'm thinking." It was so.

The circumstance of its being the fast day was not forgotten in the charge, which, on the whole, did not, however, amount to much more than double what in fairness it should have been. Callum Beg soon after announced in person the ratification of this treaty, adding, 'Ta auld deevil was ganging to ride wi' ta duinhe-wassel hersell.

"I fancy," said Ratcliffe, with one of his familiar sneers, "the lassie thinks that naebody has een but hersell Didna I see when Gentle Geordie was seeking to get other folk out of the Tolbooth forby Jock Porteous? but ye are of my mind, hinny better sit and rue, than flit and rue ye needna look in my face sae amazed. I ken mair things than that, maybe."

Then recollecting himself, he added, "Yet what needs ane be angry at her, that has neither soul nor sense? though I am no that muckle better mysell. She's but a rickle o' auld rotten deals nailed thegither, and warped wi' the wind and the sea and I am a dour carle, battered by foul weather at sea and land till I am maist as senseless as hersell.