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The work required colleagues, assistants, "shadowers," and reciprocal arrangements with bureaus in other cities. It was like any other profitable business, complicated, demanding constant attention. When they met at breakfast, Braceway had already received Platt's report. "Nothing developed last night," he told Bristow. "Platt followed Morley, who went straight to his home.

"He's a cagey bird," Carter replied. "They are both of them expert at throwing off shadowers. Both of them know, I think, they are being watched." "Oh, listen," interrupted Jane, all excitement. "I believe I can read this cipher. The number of letters in the word in big type at the beginning of the advertisement is the key. See, this word here is 'remember' that has eight letters.

Every day I can hear some one telephoning to him. He waits for the message, and then he goes out." "He certainly is expert in eluding shadowers," admitted Dean. "Every day he has been followed, but always he manages to give the operatives the slip. He must know he is being watched." "I'm anxious to know what the nephew will say to me to-day," said Jane. "I know he knows what I am doing.

On this occasion they were on an entirely wrong scent, and the very day when I first noticed my shadowers, a high official, who seemed to regard the whole thing as a good joke, told me confidentially what the wrong scent was.

They will shadow us; they have my identity. They are good shadowers, and as they said I worked in the light last time they may work in the light next time, but if they do, Cad, it will be when our lights are smashed." Cad and Oscar proceeded to their several homes; both had worked hard, they needed rest, and it was late on the following day when they met.

"It seems preposterous," scoffed Dean. "Rather it shows," said Fleck, "that these spies all suspect they are being watched, and that they resort to the most extraordinary methods of communication to throw off shadowers. They have used dachshunds before.

I knew I was being shadowed, and the shadowers could not help perceiving that I knew it. Yet, strange to say, they were never changed! The reader probably assumes that the secret police had somehow got wind of my relations with the revolutionists. Such an assumption presupposes on the part of the police an amount of intelligence and perspicacity which they do not usually possess.

"Shadowing the shadowers?" queried Kennedy, keenly watching the play of his features under the arc-light of the street. "Miss Cynthia asked me to follow her mother the other night," he answered, quite frankly. "And I have been doing so ever since." It was a glib answer, at any rate, I thought. "Then, perhaps you know something of Reba Rinehart, too," bluffed Kennedy.

But why these phonograph records: isn't one enough?" "No, I want autographs of all the voices. I will go now. Don't hurry in following me. Do not fear to let any shadowers see you it will help us along." Before many minutes he had been admitted to the corridor of the Holland Agency by a sharp-nosed individual who regarded him with suspicion.

"That's all right," Norgate reassured him. "Let's see, it's Tuesday, isn't it? I call him Boko. He never leaves me. My week-end shadowers are a trifle less assiduous, but Boko is suspicious. He has deucedly long ears, too." "What the devil are you talking about?" Hebblethwaite demanded, as they sat down. "The fact of it is," Norgate explained, "they don't altogether trust me in my new profession.