United States or Poland ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

'Am'zon' has been a name in our fambly since Cap'n Reba Silt first put the nose of his old Tigris to the tidal wave of the Am'zon River back in seventeen-forty. He come home to New Bedford and named his first boy, that was waitin' to be christened, 'Am'zon Silt. "So I called this this dream brother of mine 'Am'zon. These Cardhaven folks warn't likely to know whether I had a brother or not.

"But I'm going on the next one to San Francisco I can't; my trunk is at the depot." "Reba, you must wait till I come, dear. I've some good news for you." "Very well; I'll wait. Fortunately, I haven't bought my ticket yet." "Good-by," I gladly said. "Meet me." I reached S at 7:30 P.M. On our way to the Hotel Reba whispered, "Mother Roberts, will you occupy my room with me tonight?

Robert Mills Beach, Miss Martha G. Thomas; auditors: Mrs. Ellen H. Thomas, Mrs. Mary F. Kenderdine, Mrs. Minora F. Phillis, Miss N. M. Crumpton, Mrs. Reba Artsdalen, Mrs. Robert Coard, Miss Ellen L. Thomas, Mrs. H. Wilfred DuPuy; directors: Mrs. Edward E. Kiernan, Miss Henrietta Baldy Lyon, Mrs. Emma H. McCandless, Mrs. E. S. H. McCauley, Mrs. Richard S. Quigley, Mrs. George A. Piersol, Mrs.

We had Dakie Thayne's last visit that day, in the midst of the hammering and binding. Leslie and he came in with Ruth, when she came back from her hour with Reba Hadden. It was to bid us good by; his furlough was over, he was to return to West Point on Monday. "Another two years' pull," he said. "Won't you all come to West Point next summer?"

I don't suppose they've meant to harm us, but just because they love to talk they've settled it for us forever. I forgive them, but it's no use to try to be good any longer. Don't think I forget you or your kindness, and I will always love you no matter what becomes of me. Gratefully yours, Reba . "Bessie! Bessie! what shall I do? what must I do?"

Reba was thrown out of bed, then back again, where I locked her fast in my arms, gasping the words, "God cares! God cares, Reba! 'We shall see him face to face and tell the story saved by grace," for at first I could only believe that the end of the world had come.

Part was gone; every step was likewise covered with the ruins of broken ceiling and wall. Devastation was everywhere, everywhere. Trusting the Lord, I landed safely on that tottering staircase, Reba quickly following; and soon we were with the frightened population out on the streets, gazing, well-nigh speechless, at the awful ruins which lay on every side.

"Shadowing the shadowers?" queried Kennedy, keenly watching the play of his features under the arc-light of the street. "Miss Cynthia asked me to follow her mother the other night," he answered, quite frankly. "And I have been doing so ever since." It was a glib answer, at any rate, I thought. "Then, perhaps you know something of Reba Rinehart, too," bluffed Kennedy.

Radium carefully placed in the mask with guards of lead foil in such a way as to protect the eyes, but direct the emission full at the gland which was to be affected, and the secretions stopped." Chapelle gave a gasp. He was pale and agitated. "Some of you have already heard of Reba Rinehart," shot out Kennedy, suddenly changing the subject. Mrs.

Hadden for Reba. There, mother. It's in your head now! Please turn it over with a nice little think, and tell me you would just as lief, and that you believe perhaps I could!" By this time Ruth was round behind Mrs. Holabird's chair, with her two hands laid against her cheeks. Mrs. Holabird leaned her face down upon one of the hands, holding it so, caressingly. "I am sure you could, Ruthie.