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A kolleckshun is then taken up to buy overkoats with red horn buttons onto them for the indignant cullured people of Kanady. I have to contribit librally two the glowrius work, as they kawl it hear. I'm kompelled by the Fackulty to reserve front seets in my show for the cullered peple. At the Boardin House the cullered peple sit at the first table.

If yo let em see sich seets they'll breed yo wolves, not babes! Ah! And again 'Lias gave the same cry, and stood half risen, his hands on his staff, looking. 'What is it, 'Lias? said David, eagerly; 'what is 't yo see?

When there, however, she could not help peeping through the window, and saw Susan and Nancy join the revel rout, with feelings of increased bitterness. "Ey wish it would rain an spile their finery," she said, sitting down on her stool, and plucking the flowers from her basket in pieces. "An yet, why canna ey enjoy such seets like other folk? Truth is, ey've nah heart for it."

"No, no, let her stay!" cried Alizon, quickly; "I shall be miserable if she goes." "Oh, ey'm quite ready to go," said Jennet, "fo ey care little fo sich seets os this boh efore ey leave ey wad fain say a few words to Mester Potts, whom ey see yonder." "What can you want with him, Jennet," cried Alizon, in surprise.

An' I wants some dishes an' a stenshun table, an' 'ittle bedstead, an' yuffled seets, an' pillars, an' blue silk kilt, an' ever so many sings which papa cannot buy, 'cause he hasn't dot the money. Vill you send them, Miss McDolly, pese, an' your likeness, too. I wants to see how you looks. My mam-ma is pretty, with black hair an' eyes, but she's awful old I dess. How old is you?