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I hav thus far spoke of myself excloosivly as a exhibiter. I was born in the State of Maine of parents. As a infant I attracted a great deal of attention. The nabers would stand over my cradle for hours and say, "How bright that little face looks! How much it nose!" The young ladies would carry me round in their arms, sayin I was muzzer's bezzy darlin and a sweety 'eety 'ittle ting.

"Then he can fwallow Budgie too, an' there'l be two Djonahs ha ha ha! Make his mouf so big he can fwallow Mike, an' zen mate it 'ittle aden, so Mike tan' det OUT; nashty old Mike!" I explained that Mike would not come upstairs again, so I was permitted to depart after securing the window.

She regretted much that she could not come up here to-day;" while Willie, standing in Adah's lap, with his chubby arm around her neck, chimed in. "You don't know what we've dot. We've dot 'ittle baby, we has."

"And now it's too late!" "Eh?" George indicated Alice with a gesture. The newly-made Mrs. Byng smiled. "Mr. Bevan means that now you've got to jump through hoops and sham dead when I lift a little finger!" Reggie raised her hand to his lips, and nibbled at it gently. "Blessums 'ittle finger!

There was a doll lying on the top of a chest near them, and he picked this up and surveyed it critically. "Is this your doll?" he asked. "No," said Madeline, pointing to one of the children, who was much taller than herself; "it's 'at 'ittle durl's. My doll he's dead." "Dear me!" said Van Bibber. He made a mental note to get a live one in the morning, and then he said: "That's very sad.

"Sweet?" echoed the boy, taking his wicked cue and with a prolonged drawing in of the lips. "I should say so! Why, its bed is solid sugar, with as many grades of sugar grains for sand as one finds in a grocer shop." "Do wivers do to bed dus 'ike 'ittle dirls?" demanded Tot, whose young existence was embittered by that seemingly needless ceremony.

On the morning in question, the black hen was bolder than usual; perhaps it had not breakfasted that day, for it was foremost in the rush when the family appeared with chairs and stools, and leaped on Tilly's knee, without invitation, as soon as she was seated; whereupon Tilly called it "a dear darling pretty 'ittle pet," and patted its back.

"How's her pooty tootens, did she get her 'ittle tootens wet, bess her?" I understood his allusion to my feet. I glanced down and saw that in my hurry I had put on a pair of his old india-rubbers. My feet were not small or pretty, and the addition did not add to their beauty. "Let me go, sir," I remarked quietly. "This is entirely improper; it sets a bad example for your child."

"We'll cover him up till there shan't be a morsel of his little 'ittle 'ittle 'ittle nose to be seen," said the mother, stretching her streaming locks over the infant's face. The child screamed with delight, and kicked till Mary Bold was hardly able to hold him. At this moment the door opened, and Mr. Slope was announced.

Levice was dozing and talking in snatches to the Tyrrells, who were likewise resting on the Levices' veranda. All Nature was drowsy, as Ruth wandered off with the little one, who chattered on as was her wont. "Me and you's yunnin' away," she chatted; "we's goin' to a fowest, and by and by two 'ittle birdies will cover us up wid leaves. My! Won't my mamma be sorry?