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Where he be, my umbrellah Give me my umbrellah: no go widout my umbrellah. For our black and brown passengers, fore and aft, there is a graduated and descending scale of terminology: 1. European, that is, brought up in England; 2. Civilised man; 3. African; 4. Man of colour, the 'cullered pussun' of the United States; 5. Negro; 6. Darkey; and 7. Nigger, which here means slave.

What is it makes you so glad?" "Laws, honey, how kin I help bein' glad? De chile o' de King, on de way ter my Father's palace. Ain't dat enuff 'cashun ter keep a poor cullered woman rejoicin' all de day long? I'se so happy I'se a singin' all de time over my work, an' in de street; it don't matter where I be." "But you can't sing in the streets, Dyce!"

But arter dat I was open to conwiction; which you know, Marse Ishmael, I was allers ob a lib'ral, 'lightened turn o' mind! And so I gib in as we was all alibe." "Well, and what then, Katie? How did you reconcile yourself to your lot?" "Well, Marse Ishmael, you know how it is wid us poor cullered folks, as can't eben call our childun our own?

Killingly soon ordered that the "cullering of the body of our meeting-house should be like the Pomfret meeting-house, and the Roff shal be cullered Read." Brooklyn church then, in 1762, ordered that the outside of its meeting-house be "culered" in the approved fashion.

How would your communistic enthusiast, who bawls out about the equality of all men, like to see, as I have seen, "respectable cullered pussons," representatives of the beloved "man and a brother," wearing livery, the "badge of servitude," which is only supposed to be donned by the "menials of European tyrants?"

The sun bust out in all his splender, disregardless of expense, and lovely Natur put in her best licks. We parst the beautiful village of Limy, which lookt sweet indeed, with its neat white cottages, Institoots of learnin and other evijences of civillizashun, incloodin a party of bald heded cullered men was playing 3 card monty on the stoop of the Red Eagle tavern.