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We brought ut to you, afther dhark, and put ut in your shtable. Do not let your conscience prick. Think av the rejoicin' men in the pay-shed yonder lookin' at Dearsley wid his head tied up in a towel an' well knowin' that they can dhraw their pay ivry month widout stoppages for riffles.

Then one day he rides up to thu gate an' says: 'Miss Abbie' he kin be real polite when he wants 'there's rejoicin' in Lesbos to-day. Belshazzar has come back! Then he rides off laffin, an' I gits my sunbonnit and hikes down to ther pastur'. Sure 'nough, thar's thet fool buck, an' for the fust time he's nuzzlin' her! An' thet Sappho she waz so foolish happy that I wanted to shake her."

Suddenly she laughed, a bitter note. She spoke aloud: "If the Lord'll send me some flowers afore to-morrer night, I'll believe in Him. If He'll send me one flower or a sprig o' green, I'll believe in Him, an' hold up my head rejoicin', like Still Lucy." She repeated the words, as if to One who heard. Thereafter a quickened energy possessed her.

'If the world hate you, ye know that it hated Me before it hated you. Now if that aint enuff to send us on our way rejoicin', I don't know what is! For Lord knows if the dear Christ was hated, we can put up wi' a bit o' the hate for ourselves!" There was a pause. "So Mr. Reay reads very well, does he?" asked Mary. "Fine!" said Mrs. Twitt, "'E's a lovely man with a lovely voice!

Moses come er-cussin' back an' busted de Law ober Aaron's head, an' den dey killed de fatted calf an' put a ring on his finger. For de prodigal done return, an' dey is mo' rejoicin' ober one sinner sabed dan ninety an' nine what doan know 'nuff to put deir money in de contribution box instead ob shootin' it 'way on craps.

But Leander didn't hear him his soul hed fled from its mortal tenement 'nd hed soared rejoicin' to realms uv everlastin' bliss. "He is no more," sez Dock Wilson, metaphorically. "Then who are his heirs?" asked that mean critter Higgins. "We be," sez the family. "Do you conjointly and severally acknowledge and assume the obligation of deceased to me?" he asked 'em.

Our scheme is to get busy as soon as we've been turned loose and while our so-called benefactors are still rejoicin' over havin' snatched a brand from the burnin', we up and show 'em the error of their ways. First offenders get off fairly easy. We simply sneak in and take their silver and some loose jewelry. The more hardened they are, the worse we treat 'em.

After a question or two to his sons he turned to the boy, and in response to a query as to his destination, replied, in a sing-song voice that was reminiscent of frontier camp-meetings: "I'm goin' to the Promised Land. It's been a long an' a weary road, but the time of rejoicin' has come.

It's the quietest an' most comfortin' thing in life is an Irish wake whin it's gone about properly." "But we don't want comforting, Teddy," said Dominick, "it is rather a subject for rejoicing." "Well, then, what's to hinder us rejoicin' in comfort?" returned Teddy. "At all the wakes I ivver attinded there was more rejoicin' than comfortin' goin' on; but that's a matter of taste, av coorse."

"There's reasons several good reasons why I shan't forget that as long as I live. You see, things was gettin' pretty bad for you, and so " "Don't let's talk of it, Sim!" she broke in sharply. "No, my lady, we won't," he agreed. "I was only goin' to say, things bein' so bad made what happened a matter for rejoicin' and not sorrow, to those who wish you well. That's all that's all, my lady."