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During this honeymoon of their friendship, the first days of deep and silent rejoicing, known only to him "who in all the universe can call one soul his own" ... Ja, wer auch nur eine Seele sein nennt auf dem Erdenrund... they hardly spoke to each other, they dared hardly breathe a word; it was enough for them to feel each other's nearness, to exchange a look, a word in token that their thoughts, after long periods of silence, still ran in the same channel.

It comes easily and naturally, perhaps, to certain "other-worldly" natures to be even as the Schoene Seele, that ideal of gentle pietism, in Wilhelm Meister: but to the large vision of Goethe, that seemed to be a phase of life that a man might feel all round, and leave behind him. Again, it is easy to indulge the commonplace metaphysical instinct.

So, beware what you think; It is written in ink That is golden, and read by His Stars! 'Hadn't we better get on? cried Monkey, pulling impatiently at the reins he held. 'Yes, echoed Jimbo. 'Look at the sky. The "rapide" from Paris comes past at six o'clock. Aus den Himmelsaugen droben Fallen zitternd goldne Funken Durch die Nacht, und meine Seele Dehnt sich liebeweit und weiter.

Gott und die Seele, die Seele und ihr Gott these two, eternally akin, yet in their kinship unconfounded, make up the theme and the content of religion; and any attempt to obliterate the distinction between them in some monistic formula, any tendency to surrender either the Divine or the human personality, any philosophy which seeks to merge man in God and God in the universe, is fatal to religion itself.

She has not, like her sister May in Germany, been transformed to a verb and made a synonyme for joy, "Deine Seele maiet den trüben Herbst" but April was believed in early ages to have been the birth-time of the world.

O ihr Himmelsaugen droben, Weint euch aus in meine Seele, Dass von lichten Sternentranen Uberfliesset meine Seele! Heine. They rose, fluttered a moment above the lilac bushes, and then shot forward like the curve of a rainbow into the sleeping house. The next second they stood beside the bed of the Widow Jequier.

Thomas, he said, Zinzendorf had heard the negroes sing Luther's fine "Gelobet seiest"; at Gnadenthal, in South Africa, Ignatius La Trobe had heard the Hottentots sing Grummer's "Jesu, der du meine Seele"; in Antigua the negroes could sing Hassler's "O Head so full of bruises"; and therefore, he said, he naturally concluded that chorales which were not above the level of Negroes and Hottentots could easily be sung, if they only tried, by Englishmen, Scotchmen and Irishmen of the nineteenth century.

Mind as I saide before, don't put your foot in it. I send you a Nap in the Seele all I can spare. "Yours, "JEREMIAH SMITH. "Direct to me, Monsieur Smith always a safe name Ship Inn, Bullone." "Jeremiah Smith Jeremiah!" "Do you know the name then?" said Mr. Barlow.

His eyes fell on an old canticle the words of which Christophe had taken from a simple, pious poet of the seventeenth century, and had modernized them. Hoff! O du arme Seele, Hoff! und sei unverzagt. Enwarte nur der Zeit, So wirst du schon erblicken Die Sonne der schoensten Freud. Hope, oh! thou wretched soul, Hope, hope and be valiant!

Monatshefte, vol. xxi, 1885; the same, Lotzes Stellung zu Kants Kritizismus, Zeitschrift für Philosophie, vol. lxxxviii, 1886; the same, Kants Lehre vom kategorischen Imperativ, 1888; the same, Kant und die Grundlagen der Christlichen Religion, 1890; E. Laas, Kants Analogien der Erfahrung, 1876; the same, Einige Bemerkungen zur Transzendentalphilosophie, Strassburg Abhandlungen, 1884; J. Mainzer, Die kritische Epoche in der Lehre von der Einbildungskraft, 1881; J.B. Meyer, Kants Psychologie, 1870; F. Paulsen, Was Kant uns sein kann, Vierteljahrsschrift für wissenschaftliche Philosophie, 1881; B. Pünjer, Die Religionslehre Kants, 1874; R. Quaebicker, Kants und Herbarts metaphysische Grundansichten über das Wesen der Seele, 1870; J. Rehmke, Physiologie und Kantianismus, address in Eisenach, 1883; Rud.