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Pfeisterrer, G. F. Luthers Lehre von der Beichte, 1857. Klieftoth, Th. Lit. Abhandlungen, 2: Die Beichte und Absolution, 1856. Fischer, E., Zur Geschichte der evangelischen Beichte, 2 vols., 1902-1903. Rietschel, G., Lehrbuch der Liturgik, vol 2, particularly secs. 44, 45, Luthers Affassung der Beichte and Luthers Auffassung von der Absolution. Henry E. Jacobs. Mount Airy, Philadelphia.

As to Marcellus and his work, see Jacob Grimm, "Ueber Marcellus Burdigalensis," Abhandlungen der koniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaft zu Berlin, 1847, pp. 429-460; id., "Ueber die Marcellischen Formeln," ibid.. 1855, pp. 50-68. Marcellus, De medicamentis, i. 68. Marcellus, op. cit. i. 76. Marcellus, op. cit. xxviii. 28 and 71, xxix. 35. Marcellus, op. cit. xxix. 51.

Over the débris of Numantine liberty a little Roman town grew up. But it is hardly mentioned save in one or two road-books. Yet it enjoyed some form of municipal status and its streets and houses show to the excavator traces of Roman town-planning. The streets ran parallel or at right angles to one another; the house-blocks measured some 50 yds. square. Schulten, Abhandlungen der k.

Abhandlungen der Kön. Akad. der Wissenchaften. 1839. Berlin. 1841. The results of the Antarctic exploration, as stated by Dr.

Monatshefte, vol. xv. 1879; the same, Zu Kants Widerlegung des Idealismus, Strassburg Abhandlungen, 1884; J. Walter, Zum Gedächtniss Kants, Festrede, 1881; Th.

Sammlung physiologischer Abhandlungen, Zweite Reihe, Erster Heft, 1878. Romanes has an interesting discussion of the habit of feigning death among animals, and cautiously reaches the conclusion that it is very largely due, not to kataplexy, but to intelligent action. Mental Evolution in Animals, pp. 303-316.

Spencer, Herbert, "The Physiology of Laughter," 1860; in Essays. Fontenelle, B. le B. de, "Entretiens sur la Pluralite des Mondes," 1686. Freud, "Interpretation of Dreams," pp. 237-9. Freud, "Drei Abhandlungen . . . ," trans.: "Three Contributions to the Sexual Theory," Monograph, Journ. Nerv. and Mental Dis. Co., New York, 1909. Prince, "The Unconscious;" doctrine of secondary images.

Wiegand, Abhandlungen der Berliner Akademie, 1911, Anhang; Archäol. Anzeiger, 1911, 420 foll. Alexandria. A yet more famous town, founded by Alexander himself, is definitely recorded by ancient writers to have been laid out in the same quasi-chess-board fashion, with one long highway, the Canopic Street, running through it from end to end for something like four miles.