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She never left me. A' stalled an' looped, A' stood on ma head and sat on ma tail. A' banked to the left and to the right. A' spiraled up and A' nose-dived doon, and she stayed wi' me closer than a sister. For hoors, it seemed almost an etairnity, Tam o' the Scoots hovered with impunity above the inferno " "But why, Tam?" asked Blackie. "Was it sheer swank on your part?"

"Wal, she don't go very fast at first, 'cos she's heavy an' they ain't none too much water in front; but after a while we comes to the Devil's Slide, you remember the place, an' we scoots down there like the mill-tails o' hell. "'Gee-whiz! says Jud. 'She's a-rockin' like a teeter.

MacMuller, but he was sleeping like a doormoose A' haird his snoor risin' to heaven an' ma hairt wis sick wi' disappointed longin'. 'Hoo long, A' says, 'hoo long will ye avoid the doom Tam o' the Scoots has marked ye doon for? There wis naw reply." "I've discovered Tam's weird pal," said Blackie, coming into the mess before lunch the next day.

At the end of that time he produced with awkward and unusual diffidence a poem written in his sprawling hand and addressed: Dedication to Mr. von Sidlits By Tam of the Scoots

"I claps on the brake, but she's so heavy she don't pay no 'tention to it, though I makes smoke 'long them planks, I tell yer. She scoots ahead faster'n ever, an' bows to the scenery, this way an' that, like she was crazy, an' a-hummin' harder than ever. "'Slow her down! Ease her down! hollers Jud, grittin' his teeth an' holdin' onto her with all his hundred an' eighty pounds weight.

The fight is going badly for the bold fighting machine, when suddenly like a hawk, Tam o' the Scoots sweeps upon his prey. One of the enemy side-slips, dives and streaks to the earth, leaving a cloud of smoke to mark his unsubstantial path. As for the others, they bank over and go home. One falls in spirals within the enemy's lines. Rescuer and rescued land together.

I thought it very idle, and indeed wanton, in the girl to be so literal and stand opposite to so much kind advice; but the fact is she had a very good reason, if she would have told us. Sailing scoots and rattel-waggons are excellent things; only the use of them must first be paid for, and all she was possessed of in the world was just two shillings and a penny-halfpenny sterling.

Well, there was two station teams in the paddick I s'pose they wanted 'em very early for somethin' so I saddles Valiparaiser an' scoots across to where I seen these bullicks when I was goin' for the keys; an' I shoves 'em into the yard; an' I rakes up a ole grey horse, lame o' four legs, an' shoves him in along o' the carrion, an' locks the gate, an' goes back to our lot, an' keeps an eye on 'em till they laid down, fit to bust.

Course, he runs the tracks; he runs 'em all day, an' at night he lays down, an' I s'pose he swears his self to sleep. Nex' mornin', off he scoots agen, an' jist before sundown he hears the bells, an' he pipes the tail end o' the string ahead; an' the front end was jist at the Bilby Well sixty good mile, if it's an inch, an' scrub all the road.

How many planets are between us and good old Mother Earth? What mighty bird is that a-soaring I seem to hear its pinions roaring, it scoots along so fast? Old Earth, with all her varied features, had no such big, outlandish creatures around, from first to last."