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It is long now since I left off thirstin' for revenge, but I suppose I'll never cease wishin' that that well, well, God's will be done," he added, as if rousing himself out of a sad reverie, "I'm not used to speak about this, but somehow whenever I meet with white men o' the right sort in the plains or mountains, I always feel a kind o' longin' to let my tongue wag raither too free.

For years I've been a lonely man set on one thing. I came here an' met you. An' now I'm not the man I was. The change was gradual, an' I took no notice of it. I understand now that never-satisfied longin' to see you, listen to you, watch you, feel you near me. It's plain now why you were never out of my thoughts. I've had no thoughts but of you. I've lived an' breathed for you.

"I knows dat we ride and dat dere's chuck a-plenty," smiled Gus, "and whichever way it is," he added lowering his voice and chuckling, "can't be no worse dan Buck's place fur me." "Do you want to go?" "Well, I ain't a settin' up nights a longin' to, but to oblige a friend, Mr. Buck, I allowed meself to be persuaded." "Well, we'll see," said Ned. Ned rather wanted to watch this young man.

But I didn't let Josiah look on any dancin' or anything of the kind that I could help. I did not forget what I mistrusted he sometimes lost sight on, when he's on towers that he wuz a deacon and a grandpa. He acted kinder longin' to the last. He said "he spozed it wuz a sight to see 'em dance and beat their tom-toms."

The constant hustle and bustle of the immense crowds, ever comin', ever goin', ever movin', never stoppin'. He stood up some of the time describin' the wonders and splendors there, and tramped up and down our kitchen floor, swingin' his arms and actin', till, when he left at late bed-time, Josiah wuz pale with longin', and when I got up to lock the door and let out the cat, my head seemed to go round and round, and I had to hang onto the door nob to stiddy myself.

Nater wuz foldin' us in her faithful arms and sweepin' us away from the too civilized world into the freshness and onstudied beauty of her own hants. I sot there perfectly entranced, and nothin' occurred to break my rapt musin's save my pardner's request for a nut cake and a biled egg, and a longin' murmer about Coney Island and a wish that he wuz started for there.

I thought I'd go and see Miss Maggie ef you'd give me her address." "Well, now, that's a very good idea," said Mrs. Martin. "I could write her a little note, and you could take it to her. That's very thoughtful of you, Tilda. Yes, I should like you to go and bring me word how she is." "It's longin' I am to lay eyes on 'er, mum. She's a bee-utiful way with 'er," said Matilda.

As if he understood, the old ox turned away, and, slowly, with careful searching for the newest and the tenderest of the forage blades which had pushed up to meet the pleasant sunshine, showed he was well fed at all times. "What do I want to learn for?" the girl repeated, returning to Joe's question. "Why why I don't know, exactly. There's a longin' stirrin' in me.

"Musha, you're welcome back, sir," said Pat Sharpe, on seeing the stranger enter the Mitre; "troth, we were longin' for you, sir. And where is herself, your honor?" "Whom do you mean, Pat?" said the stranger, sharply. Pat pointed with his thumb over his shoulder toward Red Hall. "Ah!" he exclaimed, with a laugh, "by my soul I knew you'd manage it well.

Alone wid me achin' and me bonds, an' wid a burnin' longin' fur water, wid a wish to go quick if I must go; but most av all don't never furgit it, Phil, whin the thing overtakes you aven in your strength most av all, above all sufferin' and natural longin' to live there comes the reality av the words your Aunt Candace taught us years ago in the little school: "'Though I walk through the valley av the shadow av death, I will fear no evil.