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He made up his mind just in time; for I'd no sooner herded the bunch into the front office and locked the door than we hears Bloom towin' the cop up the stairs and describin' puffy how he'd been most murdered. We listens while they searches the hallways clear to the top, and then hears the cop trampin' down again. He calls back to Bloom that he'll keep an eye out for the female assaulter.

It wuz galdin' to Uncle Sam and finally he had to stop it. But he didn't do it out of meanness. He jest had to, for of course you know your own folks come first." And thinkin' mebby I'd been too hash describin' her folks I went on, "I spoze mebby that high stun wall of yourn has kinder stiffened and hardened the nature of your folks and made it harder for 'em to change.

Sounds too good to be true, don't it? But remember this ain't a class I'm describin': it's just Lindy. And of all the dried-up little old maids I ever see, Lindy was the queerest specimen.

"But folks ort to be mejum in figgers of speech, Josiah, and not go too fur." "Do you think, Samantha, that anybody can go too fur in describin' them fool skirts, and them slit skirts, and the immodesty and indecensy of some of them dresses?" "I don't know as they can," sez I, sadly. "Jest look at that thing," sez he again.

I tried with some show of authority to instruct Flannigan about gathering up the soiled things, and, after listening in puzzled silence for a minute, he stripped off his blue coat with a tolerant smile. "Lave em to me, miss," he said. The "miss" passed unnoticed. "I mayn't give em a Turkish bath, which is what you are describin', but I'll get the grease off all right.

And there, will you believe me, missis? it was no better than so much silence all said and done! Nor it wasn't for want of words, like one sits meanin' a great deal and when it comes to the describin' of it just nowhere! She was by way of keeping something back, and there was I sat waiting for it, and guess-working round like, speculating, you might say, to think what it might be when it come.

Some of our ministers has tried to visit her. They didn't try it more than once. The last one he was about your heft he got a scare, I tell you. Min just caught him by the shoulder and shook him like a rat! Didn't see it myself but Mrs. Rawlings did. Ye ought to hear her describin' of it." Galletly chuckled over the recollection, his wicked little eyes glistening with delight.

"That Moses never mention'd ye I've wonder'd, While other things describin'; My conscience! how ye must have foam'd and thunder'd When the deluge was subsidin'! "My thoughts are strange, magnificent, and deep, When I look down on thee; Oh, what a glorious place for washing sheep Niagara would be!

Well, there wuz movin' pictures describin' the Holy Land and we see 'em move, and dissolvin' views of the same and we see 'em dissolve, and at last Josiah got so worrisome I had to go on with him. We laid out to stop to Japan and France, they bein' right on our way, and I sez, "We might as well stop at Morrocco."

About any subject you can name, from whether the government should own the railroads to describin' the correct hold in dancin' the shimmy. This particular day though it happens to be babidolls. Maybe it wasn't just accident, either. I expect the sudden arrival of spring had something to do with the choice of topic.