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Last night, after we had eat our supper, and the chores were done wid, and Mr. MacClaskey had took his seat by the fire and lit his pipe, and Mrs. MacClaskey had started her spinning-wheel a-hummin', and the children had been packed off to bed, I told the folks the whole story.

"Ye see it says we're a-hummin' along at about one hundred an' thirty miles an hour." "My gracious!" cried Phoebe. "What if we was to hit something!" "Nothin' to hit," said Droop, with a smile. "Ye see, the's no sort o' use goin' any slower, an' besides, this quick travellin' keeps us warm." "Why, how's that?" "The sides o' the machine rubbin' on the air," said Droop. "That's so," Phoebe replied.

On a certain bright February morning Ben Hallock puffed up the Calle Rivera and across the plaza of Limasito as fast as his battered jitney could carry him and rushed into Baggott's hotel with an anticipatory gleam in his heavy eyes. "Hey, Jim! I got your message and I come a-hummin'!" he announced. "What is it? Vigilance Committee?" "Sort of!"

But the dawn did lighten, swiftly she thought, remorselessly. Daylight had broken, and this was Thursday! Sharp ringing of the telephone bell startled her, roused her into action. She ran to answer the call. "Hello hello Miss Majesty!" came the hurried reply. "This is Link talkin'. Messages for you. Favorable, the operator said. I'm to ride out with them. I'll come a-hummin'." That was all.

What was that you was a-hummin' in your cabin? Nice chune. I've a musical ear meself." Someone sang a verse in a subdued baritone, tremulous with sentiment. The melody was haunting, the words almost pathetic under the conditions of life on board the disheveled Unser Fritz. They told of Vienna, the city beloved of its sons. Es gibt nur eine Kaiser Stadt, Es gibt nur eine Wien.

Wall, I sot there middlin' calm, and a-hummin' over a sam tune loud enough so's Mary Ann could hear it; and I hummed it, too, in a strictly moral way, and for a pattern; it was this: "Put not your trust in mortal man, Set not your hopes on him," etc., etc., etc.

Lee laughed like a cowboy: "We'll go a-hummin'," he said. Nielsen shrugged his brawny shoulders. What were obstacles to this man of the desert? I realized that his look had decided me. "All right, men, we'll try the old Crook road," I said. "Pack what you can up to the wagon to-day, and to-morrow early we'll break camp."

He's whizzin' off like mad toward the Sherrill place, with his motor a-hummin' an' a-purrin' like a cat. Leanish, sunburnt chap with eyes that 'pear to be laughin' a lot." Diane's eyes flashed resentfully and as she walked away to the house her expression was distinctly thoughtful. "If you're broke," said Starrett, leering, "why don't you marry your cousin?"

"There, now!" cried Rebecca, "didn't Si Wilkins' boy Sam say he seen a comet in broad daylight last June?" "Thet was us," Droop admitted. "And not a soul believed him," Phoebe remarked. "Well," continued Droop, "to make a long story short, thet future-man whirled me a few times 'round the North Pole unwound jest five weeks o' time, an' back we come to Peltonville a-hummin'!"

Look, now, how the current's a-rushin', an' a-dancin', an' a-hummin'! Look at the white water 'roun' us! Look at the water behind us, an' hear the roarin' before us! Thar, she rocks, but never min' that! Wait till the water comes spillin' in! Then it will be time to use the paddles!" He burst once more into that irrepressible yell of defiance, and then he cried exultantly: "They slow up!