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Then, happy and laughing, the Bobbsey twins started for school. "Did you go down and see the big railroad wreck yesterday?" asked Danny Rugg of Bert at the school-yard gate. "Sure I saw it," was the answer. "And we got a man out of it, too," said Nan. "You got a man out of the wreck! What do you mean?" exclaimed Danny. "Did you go down and pull him out?" "No," Nan went on.

Only I wish it was bigger, so my arms would be covered, for it's hot out to-day." When she reached the little red brick country schoolhouse, half-way between her home and the Landis farm, she paused in the shade of a great oak that grew in the school-yard. "Guess I'll rest the apple butter a while in this shade," she said to herself, "and pick a bouquet for my knight's mom."

Other scenes dimly rise up, as of a tumult in the school-yard, where Fitzjames was encountering one of the strongest boys in the school amidst a delighted crowd, when the appearance of the masters stopped the proceedings. Other boys have had similar experiences without receiving the same impression.

This feeling was accentuated by a letter which she had that morning received from her mother, in which Mis' Molly spoke very highly of Wain, and plainly expressed the hope that her daughter might like him so well that she would prefer to remain in Sampson County. Plato, bright-eyed and alert, was waiting in the school-yard until the teacher should be ready to start.

These little roosters got up a school-yard scrap all about a mistake; it was all over in a minute. There's the man they say was killed, settin' over there on that pile o' lumber smokin' his pipe." "You're Si Klegg, aren't you, of the 200th Ind.?" asked the Major. "Yes, Major," answered Si, saluting. "And you're Maj. Tomlinson, of the 1st Oshkosh. This is my pardner. Shorty."

It was a custom with the larger pupils to return to the playground after school, and play baseball until sundown. The town authorities had prohibited ball-playing on the Square, and, there being no other available place, the boys fell back perforce on the school-yard.

Do not think he is ignorant; he is in a world seething with conversation, stories, pictures, and experiences of evil. The trouble is that his facts are partial, distorted, and unbalanced by positive errors; his knowledge is gained from the street and the school-yard. Only a personal teacher can help him unravel the good from the bad, the true from the false.

That school-yard slur about his mother was as dim to his understanding as to the offender's, yet mysterious nature had bid him go to instant war! How foreseeing in Lin to choke the unfounded jest about his relation to Billy Lusk, in hopes to save the boy's ever awakening to the facts of his mother's life!

"No: the boat has been stolen," muttered Bob, gloomily. "I don't believe that," continued Jim. "Perhaps some of the fellows around have hidden her, just to plague us." "I bet it was those Jenkins boys!" declared Jack. "Don't you remember, Rob, how we made them stop badgering little Tommy Casey in the school-yard the other day, and how mad they were about it?"

Twenty-five minutes later he was crossing Trafalgar Road and entering the school-yard of the Wesleyan Chapel. And from various quarters of the town, other young men, of ages varying from sixteen to fifty, were converging upon the same point. Black night still reigned above the lamplights that flickered in the wind which precedes the dawn, and the mud was frozen.