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Once I was badgering Memba Sasa, asking him whether he thought the white skin or the black skin the more ornamental. "You are not white," he retorted at last. "That," pointing to a leaf of my notebook, "is white. You are red. I do not like the looks of red people." They call our speech the "snake language," because of its hissing sound.

After some badgering from the Colonel I had to admit that that was my opinion. There were other points against Blake and he did not try to clear himself. It was a very bad business, and I remember that Challoner broke down after his examination." "But Blake was not cashiered." "No; to tell the truth, I think some influence was at work.

If you mean to take a present that I have it in charge to make you, speak out, and you shall have it. If on the contrary you mean to say " Here, to his great amazement, he was stopped by Joe's suddenly working round him with every demonstration of a fell pugilistic purpose. "Which I meantersay," cried Joe, "that if you come into my place bull-baiting and badgering me, come out!

It was, indeed, a phenomenon worth studying, to see this fellow, whose natural disposition was the irrepressible love of drollery and recklessness, whose whole heart seemed bent on the indulgence of his wayward, careless humor, suddenly throw off every eccentricity of his character, and become a steady and accurate witness, delivering his evidence carefully and cautiously, and never suffering his own leanings to repartee, nor the badgering allusions of his questioner, to draw him for a moment away from the great object he had set before him; resisting every line, every bait, the cunning lawyer threw out to seduce him into that land of fancy so congenial to an Irishman's temperament, he was firm against all temptation, and even endured that severest of all tests to the forbearance of his country, he suffered the laugh more than once to be raised at his expense, without an effort to retort on his adversary.

To pester a man into abandoning a perfectly sound and satisfying religion for one which may not suit him so well is more reprehensible than badgering a man to go to your doctor when his own physician understands his case and has studied it for a long time. At least his discarded medical adviser will not make his life a burden to him a burden which the proselytiser does not have to share.

"I should like to see Somers or any one else whop me," said Harpour, in an extremely "Ercles vein"; "by Jove! Lane himself shouldn't do it." "Oh, indeed!" "I'll `oh, indeed, you!" said Harpour, getting out of bed; but here Cradock interfered, seized Harpour with his brawny arm, and said "There, that's badgering enough for one night. Do let a fellow go to sleep."

There, relieved of financial badgering, in the company of his equals, encouraged and uplifted, he might have performed such miracles in form and color that even the wonderful ceiling of the Sistine Chapel would have faded into the mediocre. And again he might not what more idle and fascinating than such speculation?

Now then, Kate, what's come o' the dinner, Kate? Stir up that grampus of a cook! I half expect that he has boiled the cat for dinner, in his wrath, for it has been badgering him and me the whole morning. Hollo, Harry, what's wrong?" The last exclamation was in consequence of an expression of pain which crossed Harry's face for a moment. "Nothing, nothing," replied Harry.

Av' you're going to be badgering me again, I'll go away." "It's evident you're going to do something you're ashamed of, when you're afraid to sit still, and answer a common question. But you must answer me. I'm your brother, and have a right to know. What's this you're going to do? He didn't like to ask her at once whether she was going to get married.

"Pray in English, pray in English!" shouted a voice from the minister's group. Once more the priest opened his eyes; and, in spite of the badgering, his eyes shone with humour and his mouth broke into smiles, so that a great sob of pity and love broke from Anthony. "I will pray to God in a language that both He and I well understand." "Ask her Grace's forgiveness, Mr.