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Father made you take some physic?" "Yes, pills. Verbum nasticusis, and bully draught after." "What! Has he been scolding you?" "Scolding me! He never does anything else. I sha'n't stand it much longer. I shall run off to sea and be a cabin-boy." "Hi, hi, hi!" "What are you laughing at?" snapped Bob, turning sharply upon old Teggley. "At you, Mars Bob Chowne, going for a cabin-boy." Whop!

By this time I was clean crazed; thought the whole country was full of bald-faces. Next thing I knows whop, I comes up against something in a tangle of wild blackberry bushes. Then that something hits me a slap and closes in on me. Another bald-face! And then and there I knew I was gone for sure.

"Why ain't whopper as good as falsehood? I want to know. It's just as big a word." "It's slang; and it's wrong for little boys to use slang." "There's an awful lot of things it's wrong to do," said Davy with a sigh. "I never s'posed there was so many. I'm sorry it's wrong to tell whop . . . falsehoods, 'cause it's awful handy, but since it is I'm never going to tell any more.

"Well, smokin' makes, a feller feel kinder good-natured, and I began to think it warn't quite so bad arter all, when whop went my cigar right out of my mouth into my bosom, atween the shirt and the skin, and burnt me like a gally nipper.

'I should claim a fair field, was the answer, made in modesty. 'And you'd expect to whop me with they there principles of yours? 'I should expect to. 'Bang me! was roared. After a stare at the mild little figure with the fitfully dead-levelled large grey eyes in front of him, the pork-butcher resumed: 'Take you for the man you say you be, you're just the man for my friend Jam and me.

So he pa gwine whop him fo' tellin' a fib 'bout dey ain' no ghosts whin yiver'body know' dey is ghosts; but de school-teacher, whut board at Unc' Silas Diggs's house, she tek' note de hair ob li'l' black Mose's head am plumb white, an' she tek' note li'l' black Mose's face am de color ob wood-ash, so she jes retch' one arm round dat li'l' black boy, an' she jes snuggle' him up, an' she say': "Honey lamb, don't you be skeered; ain' nobody gwine hurt you.

Au revoir! Here's wishing that we may meet again soon; and, better than all, hoping that we shall rapidly whop the Germans. Au revoir! We have had splendid times together." They had had a wonderful adventure indeed, and that escape from Germany was one which, almost at once, gave interest of quite considerable degree to the public, both British and French.

"I should like to see Somers or any one else whop me," said Harpour, in an extremely "Ercles vein"; "by Jove! Lane himself shouldn't do it." "Oh, indeed!" "I'll `oh, indeed, you!" said Harpour, getting out of bed; but here Cradock interfered, seized Harpour with his brawny arm, and said "There, that's badgering enough for one night. Do let a fellow go to sleep."

They were a sorry-looking lot, ragged and dirty; and the first thing they asked for as they crowded about the kitchen door was something to eat. "Oh, missus, don't eber luf dem rebels take we uns away agin," was their constant plea. "Dey 'buse us de wust you eber see. Dey whop us, an' dey kick us, an' dey don't gib us half 'nough to eat. We all starve to def.

"I wish I could." "What, to take the ship?" I said spitefully. "You know better than that," he said. I don't know how it was, but one minute I was saying that to him spitefully, the next I had hold of his hand and shook it. "I didn't mean it," I said quite hurriedly. "Good-bye, old chap; we're going to whop them after all."