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"Who do be saying?" "Why, jist through the counthry, people you know, Miss, who must always have their gag; they do be saying that's only some of them you know, Miss, who don't be quite frindly to Ballycloran that the Captain don't main to be married at all, and is only playing his tricks with you, and that he's a schamer.

As dark a rogue, sir," he continued, having shoved the Prophet outside, and slapped the door in his face; "and as great a schamer as ever put a coat on his back. He's as big a liar too, when he likes, as ever broke bread; but there's far more danger in him when he tells the truth, for then you may be sure he has some devil's design in view."

Holt got excited; but he had seen the evils of feudalism in the strong light of Western progress. Captain Armytage, for peace' sake, qualified his lately expressed admiration, but was met again by a torrent of words to the unalloyed delight of Andy, who was utterly unable to comprehend the argument, but only hoped 'the schamer was gettin' more than he bargained for.

I'll tache him to refuse a frind, says he. 'Sarve him right, says he, 'av I bate his head into a turnip-mash an' poolverise him into Lundy Foot snuff. May be I won't, whin I meet him, thrash him till the blood pours down his heels, says he. That'll be the way iv it. That's what Gladstone will say whin the bill's lost, which he manes it to be, the conthrivin' owld son o' a schamer.

"Divvle a shmell of the baste can I see, and me back from furlough-leaf for minnuts. Has the schamer done the two-shtep widout anny flure, as Oi've always foretould? Is ut atin' his vegetables by the roots he now is in the bone-orchard, and me owing the poor bhoy foive shillin'? Where is he?"

We can't appear in London as we ought; the little money you will get will be spent, like all the rest has been. Let us turn shepherd and shepherdess, and look to our flocks and be content. And she took my hand and kissed it; while my mother only said, 'Humph! I believe she's at the bottom of it the wicked SCHAMER! I told my wife she was a fool; bade Mrs.

"Why, indeed, as handsome a vagabone as you'd see in a day's travellin'." "Mention his name; I can tell you nothing till I hear it." "He's called Rantin' Rody, the thief, and a great schamer he is among the girls." "Ranting Rody let me see," and here he looked very solemnly into his book "yes; I see a halter. My good woman, you had better not inquire after him; he was born to be hanged."

Had Anty repented of her bargain, during his short absence? Had that old reptile Moylan, played him false, and spoilt his game? "That must be it," said Martin to himself, "and it's odd but I'll be even with the schamer, yet; only she's so asy frightened! Av' she'd the laist pluck in life, it's little I'd care for Moylan or Barry either." This little soliloquy brought him to the inn door.

"Now I understand, miss," he added, after relieving his mind by a burst of eloquence, "now I understand why you thought so bad of Mr. Quinn's kind offer. It was this young schamer ye had in your mind him that ye should think no more of nor the dirt under your feet."

"There's none I'd liever have shake me by the hand than yoursilf, Ned," said Battersleigh, "the more especially by this rayson, that ye've nivver believed in ould Batty at all, but thought him a visionary schamer, an' no more. Didn't ye, now, Ned; on your honour?" "No," said Franklin stoutly. "I've always known you to be the best fellow in the world." "Tut, tut!" said Battersleigh.