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Ye can gan back to them that sent you and axe 'em why they've nivver set foot on t' moor this yeer." "Mebbe they're thrang wi' their beasts and have no time to look after t' yowes." "Thrang wi' beasts, is it? Nay, they're thrang wi' t' devil, and are flaid to look an honest man i' t' face."

You hev' grounds for believin' 'at theer is what?" "Strong grounds!" replied the detective, "and equally strong ones for believing the man came there by foul play, too." "Say no more!" said Shepherd. "T' mystery shall be cleared up. Deary me! An' to think 'at I've walked past yon theer pit many a dozen times within this last few o' months, and nivver dreamed 'at theer wor owt in it but watter!

But the gate was on the latch, and a cottager, passing by, told us that there was a "right of way" which could not be closed "goä straight on, and nivver feär, nubbody 'll harm ye." A few steps brought us into the thick woods, and to the edge of a deep glen, spanned by a bridge made of a single long tree-trunk, with a hand-rail at one side.

"Did yez notice, ma'am, if she touched wood whin she said it?" asked Maggie. "I didn't notice." "Thot's it, thot's it," declared the maid, with conviction. "Oi'm not superstitious, but Oi nivver brag about mesilf thot Oi don't touch wood. Mark me worruds, whin a person boasts and fergits to touch wood, something happens to thot person. I nivver knew it to fail."

"Ah! you two are scarred about your 'coy and your rabbud-warren," cried Hickathrift good-humouredly. "I wish they'd dree-ern the whole place and have roads all over it, so as to want carts and wains." "Nay, they nivver will," said Dave sourly. "Tek to makkin' boats and punts, mun. Them's best." "Hullo, Dave!" cried Dick; "how about the ruffs and reeves? You said you'd take me to the netting."

"Ay, lad, and rabbuds," assented Dave; "and it weer nivver meant to grow corn and grass. Yow can't do it, and yow'll nivver make fen-land fields. It's agen natur." "So it is to ride in a cart or on a sled, lad," said Hickathrift good-humouredly; "but I make 'em, and folk rides in 'em and carries things to market." "Ay, but that's different," said Dave.

I'm better worth yo're mettle." "What's takken yo', lass?" said her mother at another time. "Yo're that theer soft about th chap as theer's no makkin' yo' out. Yo' wur nivver loike to be soft afore," somewhat testily. "An' it's noan his good looks, neyther." "No," said Bess "it's noan his good looks." "Happen it's his lack on 'em, then?" "Happen it is."

Mallathorpe, lyin' i' a dead faint close by! And they say 'at she's nivver done nowt but go out o' one faint into another, ivver since. So, of course, she's nivver been able to tell if she saw owt or knew owt! And what I say is," he concluded, with a heavy thump of the table, "that theer crowner's quest owt to ha' been what they term adjourned, until Mrs.

But ef all yous tell is thrue, moi advice to yez is, juist bate it as hoird as ivver yez kin out'n yere, an' don't yez nivver set oies on this alley agin. Ye'd better stay to co-lidge all the days uv yer loife than set fut here agin, fer juist let 'em got holt uv yez an' they'll spile the pretty face uv ye.

He limped to the door to meet Richard, and spoke in his old hearty way, but Richard was pained to see him, so pale and broken. "Thou's welcome beyond ivery thing, Richard," he said, warmly. "If ta hed brought Phyllis, I'd hev given thee a double welcome. I'd hev liked to hev seen her bonny face again afore I go t' way I'll nivver come back." "She was not strong enough to bear the journey."