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Ye should hae gin ten pund sterling apiece for the coos, and not twenty-sen and saxpence. It's a pity yer brither, and Thacker, and MacFarlane are no here the nicht, and we'd droon them, too."

"Bide a wee! There's ane o' them has drawn bridle at the hottle, and he's speerin' after the leddy that cam' here alane. The leddy's your leddy, as sure as saxpence. I doot," said Mr. Bishopriggs, walking away to the window, "that's what ye've got to do with it." Arnold looked at Anne. "Do you expect any body?" "Is it Geoffrey?" "Impossible. Geoffrey is on his way to London."

"He's never been cawed to the swine yet. Nor he sudna be, sae lang's I had a saxpence to halve wi' him." "Ye're no richt, frien', there. The suner a prodigal comes to the swine the better!" "Ay; that's what you richteous elder brithers think. I ken that weel eneuch." "Mr Cupples, I'm nae elder brither i' that sense. God kens I wad gang oot to lat him in."

They be on the sarch for her. Lucky the drift-sand had covered her tracks, else they'd come right on to us. Lie low, Masther Colin. We mayn't show our heeds over the combin' o' the sand. They'd be sure to see the size o' a saxpence. We maun keep awthegither oot o' sicht."

Them fellers were ownly the stevedores, hired at saxpence the hour to load the ship; an' they wint off in a brace av shakes, as you must have sayn for y'rsilf, whin their job was done! No, me bhoy, them weren't the proper sort av shellbacks.

And I fleyt at them, and threepit it was my son; and they damned and swuir at me that it was the auld rebel, as the villains ca'd his Honour; and Davie was in the wood, and heard the tuilzie, and he, just out o' his ain head, got up the auld grey mantle that his Honour had flung off him to gang the faster, and he cam out o' the very same bit o' the wood, majoring and looking about sae like his Honour, that they were clean beguiled, and thought they had letten aff their gun at crack- brained Sawney, as they ca' him; and they gae me saxpence, and twa saumon fish, to say naething about it.

Forbye that I have nobody but myself to look after my reputation, and have been long enough alone with a sedooctive youth. And come back another day for your saxpence!" she cried after me as I left. My skirmish with this disconcerting lady gave my thoughts a boldness they had otherwise wanted.

Duthie said, for there were mony waiting, sair needing. 'It was lended him to come here, I cried, and without a word my father opened the coat, and they saw he had nothing on aneath, and his skin blue wi' cauld. Dominie, Mr. Duthie handed him one shilling and saxpence, and my father's fingers closed greedily on't for a minute, and syne it fell to the ground.

I was forgetting, before the war came to remind me, the days when I'd been puir and had had tae think longer over the spending of a saxpence than I had need to in 1914, in you days before the Kaiser turned his Huns loose, over using a hundred poonds. I'm not blaming a puir body for being bitter when things gae wrong.

"I dinna care a bittie bit. There's mair folk aroond the kirkyaird than there's farthings i' twa, three times seven shullin's. An' maist ilka body kens Bobby. An' we hae a saxpence atween us noo." "Maister Brown wad gie us anither saxpence gin he had ane," Tammy suggested, wistfully. "Nae, he's fair ill. Gin he doesna keep canny it wull gang to 'is heart. He'd be aff 'is heid, aboot Bobby.