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"Weel, I div whiles think," responded Wattie, but it was impossible from his tone to tell whether or not he spoke in earnest, "'at maybe my boxies is a wheen ower weel made for the use they're pitten till. They sudna be that ill to rive gien a' be true 'at the minister says.

I minded it was the Sabbath, and I sudna hae been there. It micht be a delusion o' the Enemy, if it wasna the de'il himsel'." All that peaceful Sabbath day Tam's meditations were disturbed by visions of great salmon.

'Bread and cheese, and a cup of milk just like this. 'What did he say? Did he like what ye gave him? 'He said a sup of milk sudna cross his lips till you'd had a cupful the like of his; so I brought it in to ye. You'd better make haste and take it up. 'Did he send ye wi' the cup, Jeanie Trim? 'Ay, he did that; and not a bit nor sup will he tak till ye've drunk it all, every drop.

He never coured the fright he gat, but cried out, 'Help! help! till his very enemy wad hae been wae to see him; and sae he cried till he died, which was no that lang after. Fouk sudna meddle wi' sic ploys!" "Most wonderful! And do you believe that Beelzebub actually appeared to him?" "Believe it! What for no?" said he, consequentially tapping the lid of his snuff-horn.

I never did ye an ill turn 'at I ken o'! said Phemy, and burst afresh into tears of self-pity and sense of wrong. 'Na, my bonny doo, answered Kirsty, 'ye never did me ony ill turn! It wasna in ye. But that's the less rizzon 'at I sudna du you a guid ane. And yer father has been like the Bountiful himsel to me!

"Weel, ye sudna ha' gane near them again," persisted the little woman. "Wha kent but they kent whaur I cam frae?" persisted the laird. "Sit ye doon, sir, an' lat's hae a word aboot it," said Malcolm cheerily. The laird cast a doubting look at Phemy. "Ay, sit doon," said Phemy.

"The auld sudna lie upo' the tap o' the yoong, Cosmo, my son." "Father, I wad willin'ly be a bed to ye to lie upo', gien that wad ease ye; but I'm thinkin' we baith may lie saft upo' the wull o' the great Father, e'en whan that's hardest." "True as trowth!" returned the laird. " But ye're luikin' some tired-like, Cosmo!" "I AM some tired, an' unco dry. I wad fain hae a drink o' milk."

But when, to strengthen the force of his asseveration, he drew the dangerous looking dirk from its sheath, she threw herself upon him, wrenched it from his hand, and testified that "fules sudna hae chappin' sticks, nor yet teylors guns." It was days before Duncan discovered where she had hidden it.

"Weel, but allooin' that, ye sudna gar fowk lauch, wi' a bonnie flooer, but ridickleous for the size o' 't, 'cep' ye gie 't room. A kirk's ower little for't." "Ye're richt there, my dawtie. And I haena been to the kirk ava'. I hae been to the hills." "And what got ye there?" "I got this upo' the road hame." "But what got ye there?" "Weel, I got the blue lift." "And what was that to ye?"

"That micht hae been written for me, Paitrick, or ony ither auld sinner that hes feenished his life, an' hes naethin' tae say for himsel'. "It wesna easy for me tae get tae kirk, but a' cud hae managed wi' a stretch, an' a' used langidge a' sudna, an' a' micht hae been gentler, and no been so short in the temper. A' see't a' noo.