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At a reckless speed motorcyclists, carrying urgent messages, swerved through it all; and in the ditches that ran alongside, refugees were stumbling on, fleeing from the new terror, their crouching, misshapen figures like players from a grotesque drama of the Macabre. 'The sausage-eaters, said Mathews philosophically, 'must be feelin' their oats, sir.

Selwyn, I'm a bit creaky in my jints and ain't as frisky as I were, but I'd be werry much obliged to be sent over to this 'ere war and see if I couldn't put a bullet or two in some o' them there sausage-eaters. 'Well, said the American moodily, 'you may get your chance. 'Thank 'ee, sir. I hope so, sir. 'Good-night, Mathews. 'Good-night, sir. Thank 'ee, sir.

The Emperor is coming back from the front. It's all over with the sausage-eaters, et puis bon-soir, Bismarck!" Far away, across the hills, the white mantles of the Hundred-Guards flashed in the sunshine, rising, falling, as the horses plunged up the hills.

'Mas'r Dick, replied the groom, snorting violently, 'you shouldn't go for to insult me. Beggin' your pardon and meanin' no disrespeck, this here war is as much mine as yourn. Orders or no orders, I'm agoin' to have a howd'ee with them sausage-eaters, and, as that there free-spoke young gen'l'man observed, the bridge ain't exactly a chancery in the daylight.

Well, he's still in Bel-Abbès, and he's been named commander of the Legion of Honour, and he's no end of a swell. He'll be coming back now that we've got to chase these sausage-eaters across the Rhine. Look at me! You used to say that I'd stopped growing and could never aspire to a mustache! Now look! Eh? Five feet eleven and what do you think of my mustache?

'When Milord come to see me last week, he said, measuring the words slowly, 'he tells me as how he won't go for to hev no more hosses, and conseckens o' me bein' all bunged up by them sausage-eaters, he sez as how would I like to be the landlord o' "The Hares and Fox" in the village, him havin' bought the same, and would I go for to tell you as a surprise, likewise and sim'lar?

"Come along; I'm going to see how the baron is. Has the litter gone?" "No; there are the men coming with it now." The two lads set off running, Andrew's ill-humour passing off in action, and he chatted quite cheerily as they made for the Park. "Your father was splendid, Frank!" he cried. "I was proud of him. What a lesson for those haughty sausage-eaters!" "But it is a terrible business, Drew."

'Sausage-eaters' what a phrase to describe those eagle-helmeted supermen of Prussia's cavalry! And this little island of pipe-smoking, country-side philosophers and pampered, sport-loving youth this was the country, heart of a crumbling empire, that had ordered the gray torrent of Germany to alter its course and flow back to its own confines. It was absurd. It was grotesque.

All the same, Mas'r Dick, when it comes to enterin' the ring wi' them sausage-eaters I'd raither 'ave a dozen Lancashire or Devon lads about me than all the Frenchies you could put in Hyde Park.