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'When Milord come to see me last week, he said, measuring the words slowly, 'he tells me as how he won't go for to hev no more hosses, and conseckens o' me bein' all bunged up by them sausage-eaters, he sez as how would I like to be the landlord o' "The Hares and Fox" in the village, him havin' bought the same, and would I go for to tell you as a surprise, likewise and sim'lar?

'That, said Mathews, 'is conseckens o' me bein' sire to little Wellington. 'Oh yes, said Dick. "Dear Daddy, ther ain't nothing to tell you Wellington has took the mumps and the cat had some more kittens" 'That's a werry remark'ble cat, observed Mathews. 'I never see a animal so ambitious. Wot does the old girl say Wellington has took? 'Mumps. 'By Criky!

I've seen Mister Malcolm take a whip arter the dog had got among the chickens or took a bite out o' the game-keeper's leg, him never liking the game-keeper, conseckens o' his being bow-legged and having a contrary dispersition, and do you think that there dog would let a whimper out o' him? No, sir. He would just turn his eye on Mister Malcolm and sorter say, "All right, thrash away.

Is the offspring a-takin' his oats reg'lar? 'Lord! said Mrs. Mathews irrelevantly, subsiding into a chair, 'I thought you was dead. You never writ. 'That, said Mathews, 'was conseckens of a understanding clear and likewise to the point, atwixt me and Mas'r Dick. "Mum's the word," sez he. "Mum's the word," sez I. And that there was as it should be, no argifyin' provin' contrairiwise.

I always was fond o' Mas'r Dick, I was, since 'e was so high, and used to come in 'ere and ask me to learn 'im how to swear proper like a groom. Ah, a fine lad 'e was; and criky! 'e were a lovely sight on a hoss. Mister Malcolm 'e's a fine rider hisself, but just a little stiff to my fancy, conseckens o' sittin' up on parade with them there Hussars o' hisn.

Real proud I was of 'er, and 'er being no two-year-old neither, but opposite-wise free of the rheumatiz, as is getting into my withers like. 'And how is did you say his name was Wellington? 'That's 'is 'andle, Mr. Selwyn, conseckens o' 'is being born with the largest nose I ever sees on a hoffspring o' his age.