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And now you run in and hurry up breakfast while I do up the chores. Then we'll hitch up and get into town 'fore the stores close. Tell the young 'uns Santy didn't get round last night with their things, but we've got word to meet him in town. Hey? Yes, I saw just the kind of sled Pete wants when I was up yesterday, and that china doll for Mollie. Yes, tell 'em anything you want.

"Then he comes on out of the store, with all these things stuck in his pockets and stacked up in his arms till he looks sort of like some new kind of a summertime Santy Klaws; and he sets down on a goods box at the edge of the pavement, with his feet in the gutter, and starts in eatin' all them things.

"Then he comes on out of the store, with all these things stuck in his pockets and stacked up in his arms till he looks sort of like some new kind of a summertime Santy Klaws; and he sets down on a goods box at the edge of the pavement, with his feet in the gutter, and starts in eatin' all them things.

And that good lady smiled back, as she shook out a dainty white apron with a coarse embroidery ruffle. "I reckon Santy wanted you to wear that of a Sunday afternoon," said Harvey, awkwardly. "And I'll be proud to do it!" said his mother.

"How much?" he cried. "Say, five hundred dollars," the loan shark generously offered. "I knew there was a ketch in it!" Uncle Henry said, and rolled back in the shadows of the alcove. Lopez had been listening intently. Now he stepped up to Hardy and said: "Señor Santy Claus, now I understand why it is so 'ard for your country to get ze soldier.

His name was published in the daily journals with several different varieties of spelling, and for this reason, and in consequence of his extreme reticence, one of them perpetrated the following: "Thou operator, silent, glum, Why wilt them act so naughty? Do tell us what your name is, come: De Santy, or De Sauty?

Arabella at the window shuddered at the tone of the sceptic; it reminded her so much of the world she knew, and it was hard to believe that her friends who prided themselves on their unbelief could have anything in common with a little coloured newsboy down on "D" Street. "Tell you what," said Sam again, "let's try an' see if dey is a Santy.

"Na, na, she wullna leave ta Hieland hills for naught at a'." "Then she shall hae a siller crown for every month o' the year, Sandy." The poor, rude creature hardly knew how to say a "thanks;" but John saw it in his glistening eyes and heard it in the softly-muttered words, "She was ta only are tat e'er caret for Santy Beg." It was a solemn day in Stromness when he went to the gallows.

We've got to get ready for Christmas, and you don't look to me like Santy Claus hunting 'round for lovely things to do." "Anyway, I'll send up a lot of grub," declared the gambler, with a wonderful softening of the heart. "I was foolin' just havin' a joke the last time you was down to the store. You know you can have the best we've got in the deck."

Need somebody with a good strong voice, too, to call off the names.... Woosh's you'd git them things up to the house soon 's you kin, Otho. Ma's in a hurry fer 'em." "Betchy two cents," said Brother Littell to his clerk, Clarence Bowersox, "'at Abel Horn 'll be Santy Claus." "Git out!" doubted Clarence. "'Ll, you see now.