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"Oh, Santy has been here already," cried Master John Williams, running toward the great fireplace, having just that moment discovered the bulging stockings and piles of gifts. His sister made a move in the same direction, for at the other corner hung her stocking and beneath it her pile, but the man's hand unconsciously tightened upon her hand and she stopped.

It left him without the power to set James straight in the matter, and Uncle Joe was immediately accepted as Santy by the expectant Sykeses, all of whom revealed a tremendous interest in the avuncular absentee. They even appeared to be properly apprehensive, and crowded a little closer to the knees of the grown- ups, all the while eyeing the door at the upper end of the room.

"Do you WANT me to prove it before witnesses?" said the man, coming nearer her. "Do you want to take my word and keep it between ourselves, or do you want to call in your superintendent and his men, and all Santy Any, to hear me prove your husband was a highwayman, thief, and murderer?

She, too, had at last been aroused by the conversation, and, missing her husband, she had thrown a wrapper about her and had come down to seek him. "We tame down to find Santy Claus," burst out young John William, at the sight of her, "and he's been here, look muvver." Yes, Santa Claus had indeed been there. The boy spoke better than he knew.

I am a lone man and have nothing in particular to live for, it's true; but it is some object with me to do the most service I can for our Lone blessed Star! I should like a game with old 'Santy' in a clear ring, and fair play; but I am thinking we had best take French leave of this place, and join the main body where we can fight with some chance ahead.

Now, Mary, don't look frightened. I haven't the remotest idea what he wants, but as I haven't been up to anything ahem! Keep your seat, Frederick!" "I want to see a detective," pleaded Frederick. "Is he disguised, Diggs? Has he got on false whiskers? Please, daddy " "Maybe it's old Santy," cried Wilberforce in a voice that thrilled. Mr.

"Make haste then, we uns be nigh friz." "Ye air in no danger of fire, then?" asked the practical man. "We hev hed none, before we war flunged off'n the bluff we hed squinched the fire ter pledjure Bob, ez he war afeard Santy Claus would scorch his feet comm' down the chimbley, powerful lucky fur we uns; the fire would hev burnt the house bodaciously." Kennedy hardly stayed to hear.