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They all showed differing degrees of dirt and raggedness, but all were far and beyond the point of respectability. One of the group, the older boy, sat upon the bed and was holding forth to his brothers and sisters not without many murmurs of doubt and disbelief. "No," he was saying, "I tell you dey hain't no such thing as a Santy Claus.

"Oh, Toyman, you missed him Santy was here." "He was, was he?" the Toyman replied, "I am sorry, for I'd like to have paid my respects to the old fellow." The funny thing about it was that he didn't seem half as disappointed as the children that is, Marmaduke and Hepzebiah, particularly Hepzebiah.

Let us see the performance an' hear Dr. Hemingway say the words in the Presbyterian Church. Or maybe you're goin' to hunt up Dodd. He went toward Santy Fee when he put out of here after the War." Cam could be heard in every corner of the public square. I was at the open window of my father's office. Looking out, I saw Lettie staring angrily at Cam, who couldn't see her face.

"Maybe Thanty's white an' don' go to see col'red people," said the little girl. "But I do know coloured people's houses he's been at," contended Sam. "Aw, dem col'red folks dat's got the money, dem's de only ones dat Santy Claus fin's, you bet."

"I sought dat Santy Claus tame down de chimney," said the younger of the twain, whose pajamas bespoke the nascent man. "In all the books he has a long white beard. Where's yours?" asked the coming woman. This innocent question no less than the unaffected simplicity and sincerity of the questioner overpowered "Crackerjack." He sank back into a convenient chair and stared at the imperturbable pair.

Marmaduke didn't need Santy to remind him now, and he hunted hard again and found something for "Mrs. Cricket from her friends in the White House," a fine alpaca dress. There was something for Black-eyed Susan too. And all under that roof and around that tree were very happy. It was too bad the Toyman wasn't there to enjoy it. Now Santy stood up and looked at his watch.

The whole room was in one buzz of chatter and fun; and everybody beamed on everybody else; and nobody knew what they said, till Mrs. Pepper called, "Hush! Santa Claus is coming!" A rattle at the little old window made everybody look there, just as a great snow-white head popped up over the sill. "Oh!" screamed Joel, "'tis Santy!"

What do you cal'late 'twould have looked like if you'd borrered somebody else's eyes? Say, Posy, was it you fetched the billion and a half, or whatever 'twas, into the house?" "Me? ME with all that money? My savin' soul!" "Well, who did fetch it? Santy Claus?" "I sha'n't tell you. I promised Miss Martha I wouldn't tell one word about that money and I ain't goin' to." "Hooray, Posy!

He looked at his watch. "Of course we'll wait for you." Then he hung up the receiver. "As long as Santy will be here so soon, we'd better wait till he comes, and let him distribute the presents, don't you think?" He paused a minute, trying to remember. "Let me see when was it I last saw him? yes, yes it's all of forty years. I was just a little shaver then.

He had seen Santy and had shaken him by the hand. By this time you should have noticed, if you ever stop to think, that Marmaduke was quite a traveller.