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"We went directly up the lake," said Giant. "Took the road around the rocks that Jed Sanborn showed us. We found the nut trees, and " "Never mind the nut trees," interrupted Snap. "Tell me about that man." "Well, back of the trees is a cleared spot -maybe it was a farm some years ago, and in the midst of the clearing is an old, half-tumbled-down cottage.

"There isn't much difference between being off duty and being on," said Adler, as they seated themselves on the main hatch. "There will be a difference when we have to make and take in sail every half hour. We had a big job taking in the studding sails last night." "They don't drive the ship," added Sanborn. "I suppose if we were a merchantman, they would crack on all the sail she would carry."

None of Brown's New England supporters approved of his invasion of Virginia, and Mr. Sanborn especially argued the matter with him and endeavored to dissuade him from it. He thus became acquainted, however, with Brown's plans, and was the only person outside of Brown's immediate followers who knew of the proposed attack on Harper's Ferry.

"Perhaps we'll get there before it gets dark." Having passed the rocks, they found the stream broadening out once more. The bottom was now muddy, and here and there grew large clumps of reeds and cattails. "This seems to be more of a swamp than a lake," was the comment of the doctor's son. "From what Jed Sanborn said I thought it was a narrow stream all the way to the lake."

Nobody had gone yet, from as far away as the Assiniboin country; therefore young Wijunjon feared, but was brave. He bade his wife, Chin-cha-pee, or Fire-bug-that-creeps, and his little children goodby, and with the other Assiniboin and chiefs from the Blackfeet and Crows, set out on a fur company flatboat under protection of Major Sanborn. The Assiniboin women on the shore wept and wailed.

Sanborn threw the cigarette away with an ill-tempered exclamation. "Gee! It's a wonder you don't start a Sunday-school in here," he said. "Well, I don't think it would do you any harm to attend one for a while," answered Frank, "and by the way, can't you make it possible to come in a little earlier?

Among other pupils of Agassiz who won more than ordinary fame as naturalists may be mentioned Albert Smith Bickmore, Alonzo Howard Clark, Charles Frederick Hartt, Alpheus Hyatt, Theodore Lyman, Edward Sylvester Morse, Alpheus Spring Packard, Frederick Ward Putnam, Samuel Hubbard Scudder, Nathaniel Southgate Shaler, William Stimpson, Sanborn Tenney, Addison Emory Merrill, Burt Green Wilder and Henry Augustus Ward as brilliant a galaxy of names as American science can boast, bearing remarkable testimony to the inspiring qualities of their great teacher.

I wish we'd got here in daytime.... But maybe that wouldn't help." "Humph!... Pretty quiet out there?" "So Bob says, but what's he know more than us? I heard guns up the line, and rifle-fire not so far off." "Can you see any " "Not a damn thing yet everything," interrupted Sanborn, enigmatically. "Dixon!" called Owens, low and quickly, from the darkness. Dixon did not reply.

I went up to Lake Cameron, and I almost had a fight with Andrew Felps. He wanted to take away a mink I had caught in a trap. But I wouldn't give it up." And Jed Sanborn pointed to where the mink lay, in the bottom of his canoe. "Do you know much about this lake, jed?" asked Snap. "I think I do -I've spent plenty of time up here, one year an' another." "Where can we find the best camping place?"

This was a good idea and soon, by forcing the snow down the chimney, they had the fire all but out. Of course it smoked a great deal, but this did little damage. It was three o'clock in the morning and the snow was coming down as thickly as ever. They scarcely knew what to do, until Jed Sanborn suggested they build a camp-fire outside.