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Le Blanc raged round the shed like a wild man. It would have fared ill with Sanborn had he fallen into the hands of the Frenchman just then. Le Blanc regarded the Golden Eagle like his own child and his rage would have been comic from the antics it made him perform if the situation had not been so serious. What was to be done?

The roaring fire made matters a little more cheerful, yet the boys felt discouraged, with the roof of the shelter broken down. Jed Sanborn did all in his power to cheer them up. "When you go camping like this you can't expect everything to go jest right," he said. "You have to take the lean with the fat an' the bitter with the sweet.

"That gasolene launch can never follow us to this lake. It's too large." "Yes, and the tramp from one lake to the other is not easy," added Shep. "Old Jed Sanborn told me that." "Won't Jed be angry when he learns that Felps has bought up Lake Cameron," put in Giant. "That was one of his favorite hunting and fishing places."

Oh, he's as mean as they make 'em, that feller," added Jed Sanborn. "Hullo! Where under the canopy did you git that big maskalonge?" he cried, catching sight of the fish. "Giant caught it," answered Whopper. "But he was pulled overboard doing it." "And they had to help me land him," added the small youth, but rather proudly. "Well, well! this beats the Dutch!

The very next morning after her initial visit, he went with her to Mazie Sanborn's father, and together they formulated the first necessary plans. Thomas Sanborn was generous, and cordially enthusiastic, though his words and manner carried the crisp terseness of the busy man whose time is money.

Sheriff Owen had no rubber-heeled tendencies. He was frankness itself, both in peace and in war. It was once said of him, by a lank humorist of Sanborn, that Jim Owen never wasted any time palaverin' when he was flirtin' with death. That he just met you with a gun in one hand and a smile in the other, and you could take your choice or both, if you was wishful.

"Time to be moving," said Giant, and passed on, to arouse Shep. "Now, my son, be very careful and keep out of danger," said Mr. Dodge to Charley, when the latter was ready to leave. "I shall send old Jed Sanborn up to see you once or twice, and if you need anything from here you let him know and he can bring it to you."

He thought of making her some kind of present but his innate good sense cautioned him to forego that pleasure for a while, for in making her a present he might also make a mistake and Pete was becoming a bit cautious about making mistakes, even though he did think that that green velvet hat with a yellow feather, in the millinery store in Sanborn, was about the most high-toned ladies' sky-piece that he had ever beheld.

It was no light thing for a man past thirty to throw aside a profession in which he had already made an enviable reputation and take up a new lifework. With two small children depending upon him, it was a question for still more serious study. But gradually circumstances shaped his course. In 1874, he married Miss Sarah F. Sanborn whom he had met in his mission work.

On our return to Fort Leavenworth we found General Sanborn and a number of others of the former Union leaders who had come to the border to make peace with the Indians.