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Then they started to fix up the tent for the night and cut a quantity of wood for the fire, and this put them in better spirits. For supper they had some fine fish, baking them to a turn on some hot stones, in a fashion Jed Sanborn had taught them. They also had hot biscuits -the first since leaving home.

Le Blanc and Sanborn soon joined them, the latter heavy-eyed and sleepy-looking from the late hours of the night before. He was smoking a cigarette. "Look here, Sanborn, I don't want to be too strict, but you know there's too much gasolene around here for it to be safe to smoke in the shed," said Frank, with some irritation, as he spied him.

"I suppose we ought to have skated up to the camp and inspected things," observed Snap. "But I have been too busy to do so." "Oh, I reckon everything is as we left it," answered Whopper. "The camp was all right two weeks ago," said Jed Sanborn, who chanced to be present. "Of course you'll have to fix up some kind of a chimney in the cabin, for you can't keep your fire outdoors in this weather."

Doc Andover he's goin' over to Sanborn and he ast me to go along with him." "You mean to stay?" "For a spell, anyhow. But I'm comin' back." Doris glanced at her wrist watch and realized that it was long past the hour for the evening meal. "I'm going out to my sister's to-morrow, for the day. I may not see you before you leave," Pete sat up. "Shucks!

"I'm not a tell-tale, sir," answered Wilton, doggedly. "I don't want to tell who they were." "Very well; why didn't you say that at first? I have some respect for the student who dislikes to betray even his companions in error; none at all for a liar. Adler and Sanborn," added the principal; and the two gamblers stepped up to the hatch. "Young gentlemen, you are charged with gambling.

The party from aloft, with the messenger, increased the group to five, which was the total number of "our fellows" that could be mustered in the first part of the port watch. "What's up?" demanded Shuffles, when he had seated himself by the skylight. "We intend to pipe to mischief, to-night, Shuffles and we want some help from you," said Sanborn, in reply.

The surgeon, a bit inclined to show off, did not hesitate to "step on her," when the going was at all good. And any one familiar with the road from El Paso to Sanborn is aware of just how good even the best going is. Any one unfamiliar with that road is to be congratulated. Pete enjoyed the ride, as it brought him once more into the open country. The car whirred on and on.

"I'll take a look around," answered Jed Sanborn. He made the same investigation as had the boys. Then he got down on his hands and knees and examined the soft ground in and around the cabin. "Say, did ye see anything o' a dog around here?" he asked. "Yes," answered Giant. "That is, the circus boy we told you about has his dog with him -a collie."

Translated from the Italian by A.M. Von Blomberg. Part I. Introductory Narrative. Edited by H.M. Trollope. 2 vols. Dickens as an Educator. James L. Hughes. By F. B. Sanborn and W. T. Harris. By Theodore F. Munger. By Ruth McEnery Stuart. Works, vol. 8 new edition. Translated by M. J. Safford. Vierter Band. Chas. By Henry T. Finck. Chas. Oeuvres Completes, vols. 8 and 9.

Today, it was a handful of skilled workers plus machinery. "Now," Farid said, "let's get back to the control room. Kerama is going to review the situation for the staff. Some of them are new on the job." As Farid and the boys rejoined the others, Dr. Kerama was pointing to a series of peaks on the Sanborn tracings.