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I thought the grave was a better place. I hae lain safter afore I dee'd. Phemy! Phemy! Rin, Phemy, rin! I s' bide wi' them this time. Ye rin, Phemy!" As it grew dark the air turned very chill, and snow began to fall thick and fast. Malcolm laid a few sticks on the smouldering peat-fire, but they were damp and did not catch.

They'd hae him a bit harder on the sinners, and a bit safter wi' the saints specially wi' theirsels, wha are the vara crown and flower o' a' the saints, and ne'er were sinners no to speak o', ye ken, and outside the responses. And he disna gang saft and slippy doun their throats, as they'd ha'e him, but he is just main hard on 'em.

"'What mak ye here in sic a storm, man? he said. An' the soon' o' his v'ice was aye safter nor the words o' his mooth. "'I come for a lamb, answered he. "'What kin' o' a lamb? askit the stranger. "'The verra best I can lay my han's upo' i' the cot, answered he, 'for it's to lay afore my freens and neebours. I houp, sir, ye'll come hame wi' me an' share o' 't. Ye s' be welcome.

"I gotta stay home, 'safter. We're expectin' comp'ny; coupla aunts of mine. Dad wants me to stay home when they come." That went over all right. Anybody knew that there was no rational accounting for the vagaries of the adult mind, and no appeal from adult demands. The prospect of company at the Hartley home would keep Larry away, that afternoon. He showed his disappointment.

"Why, no. I have some things I want to do at home." He'd have to watch himself. Larry would spot a difference quicker than any adult. "Heck with it," he added. "Golly, I wisht I c'ld stay home from Sunday school whenever I wanted to," Larry envied. "How about us goin' swimmin', at the Canoe Club, 'safter?" Allan thought fast. "Gee, I wisht I c'ld," he replied, lowering his grammatical sights.

I'm no denyin' a word 'at Johnny Bykes says. I never hard the cratur ca'd a leear. He's but a cantankerous argle barglous body no fit to be a gatekeeper 'cep it was up upo' the Binn side, whaur 'maist naebody gangs oot or in. He wad maybe be safter hertit till a fellow cratur syne." "Would you have him let in all the tramps in the country?" said the marquis.

"What Mary needed," said Tammas, "was a strong man to manage her." "Ay, man, but it's ill to manage thae beauties. They gie ye a glint o' their een, an' syne whaur are ye?" "Ah, they can be managed," said Tammas, complacently. "There's naebody nat'rally safter wi' a pretty stocky o' a bit wumany than mysel; but for a' that, if I had been Mary's man I would hae stood nane o' her tantrums.

I thought the grave was a better place. I hae lain safter afore I dee'd! Phemy! Phemy! Rin, Phemy, rin! I s' bide wi' them this time. Ye rin, Phemy!" As it grew dark, the air turned very chill, and snow began to fall thick and fast Malcolm laid a few sticks on the smouldering peat fire, but they were damp and did not catch.