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"I was told to go there and get a couple of ponies." "An' how was you figurin' on gettin' to the ranch? Walkin'?" "Not if I could help it. And that," he added, pointing to the desert, "I should think would be mean stuff to walk on." "Mean she is," commented Wilbur's new acquaintance, "but even s'posin' that you did scare up a pony, how did you dope it out that you would hit up the right trail?

Wadleigh, composedly, as she trimmed the top of her shoe preparatory to binding it. "Well, you see'f I ain't!" "In the fust place," went on Mrs. Pendleton, nervously, "the cross-road ain't broke out, an' you can't git there. I dunno's a horse could plough through; an' s'posin' they could, Cyrus ain't no more fit to go out an' carry you over'n a fly." "Don't you worry," said Mrs.

"But s'posin' s'posin' folks lose things when they don't toss 'em up in the air, and don't mean to, the wind, you know, or a kind of an accident, Miss Polly, " "Well?" "And s'posin' I didn't have any more money 'n I wanted myself, and Prudy had the most H'm " "Well?" "Then it isn't as bad as thieves; now is it? She's got the most. Prudy's older 'n I am "

And s'posin' Johnson was to remark that that was all bosh, because nobody could hold a wild animal with the human eye, and you should declare that you could hold the savagest beast that was ever born if you could once fix your gaze on him.

If it hadn't been for that relationship to Bill, I'd have had it out with him long ago. But what's the use, anyway. The mine's no good and the ground's no good, and I haven't any money to fight him." "Yep, but s'posin' the tunnel was good; what then?" "I don't know, Ben. Old Williams has a good name, generally speaking, in the city, and he has money I couldn't fight him.

You'll be lucky to git as close to 'em as the other side of a 40-acre field." "But s'posin' a rebel runs at you with his bayonet," expostulated Harry Joslyn, "oughtn't you to know how to ward him off and settle him?" "The best way's to settle him jest as he comes over the hill, half-a-mile away, with an ounce o' cold lead put where he lives.

"I tell ye she does!" cried M'Ginnis, "an' him kissin' an' squeezin' her an' nobody by " "It's a lie, Bud she she wouldn't!" "S'posin' I could show ye? S'pose you see him there waitin' for her " "If if he means any harm t' Hermy, I I'll kill him!" "Aw you wouldn't have the nerve, Kid!" "I'd shoot him dead by God, I would!" "You ain't man enough, Kid." "You g-give me a gun an' see.

"S'posin' he don't come till next Sunday?" Tode knew nothing about midweek or daily services. But he put this terrible thought away from him. "I'll get out somehow if I have ter smash some o' them pictures," he said aloud, as he looked up at the beautiful windows.

Old Gabe sat smoking outside the door, and Isom stretched himself out on the platform close to the water, shading his eyes from the rich sunlight with one ragged sleeve. "Uncl' Gabe," he said, suddenly, "s'posin' Steve Brayton was to step out'n the bushes thar some mawnin' 'n' pull down his Winchester on ye, would ye say, 'Lawd, fergive him, fer he don't know whut he do'?"

"Uncle Bob," said Dumps, thoughtfully, "s'posin' they wuz some little girls l-o-n-g time ergo what stole ernuther little girl outn the winder, an' then run'd erway, an' waded in er ditch, what they Mammy never would let 'em; efn er jay bird would see 'em, would he tell the deb'l nuthin erbout it?"