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The pine splinter burned out in the wet grass and old Hump lay beside it insensible, but after a while he awakened out of that merciful sleep and crawled on his hands and knees over to where the sledge stood, and he knelt there with his face buried on the lifeless breast. "God fergive me," he murmured with a strangled voice. "He didn't nuver hev no mammy ter raise him up aright.

I might have knowed it. Somethin' will happen. Somethin's in the air. I don't know what it is, but when that sarpent gits to wark thare's bound to be trouble. God fergive me!" A stiff breeze was swinging through the night as the Vigilance Committee left the saloon and started for the nearest cabin. The stars were hidden, and the weather had moderated, presaging a storm.

Then, some special friends allus come home to dinner with us, an' after that we had games an' singin'. Ah, no, I can't fergit sich days, an' " Suddenly Pete paused, and his bronzed face flushed. "Fergive me, lads," he cried; "fergive me! I didn't mean t'bother yeze with all this nonsense, I wanted t' tell somethin' else, but my old tongue got away with me."

Suppose I've done something that He doesn't like, something that makes Him ashamed of me." "Oh, why, didn't you know He fixed for all that when He sent His Son to be the Saviour of the world? We all do wrong things, an' everybody has sinned. But ef we're rightly sorry, He'll fergive us, and make us His children." Betty suddenly sat down in a chair near the door: "But, Mrs.

Then they halted, and Myrtella bent over him wildly. "Chick!" she cried, her face suddenly contorted, "look at me just once more! Tell me you fergive me, Chicky! Oh, if they kill you !" The stretcher was shoved hastily into the elevator and the door closed on everybody but Chick and the nurse and the orderly. It was about that time that Chick decided to lie down. Where were they taking him?

"What'd I ever do to you?" "Nothin', Becky, nothin'." Becky laughed harshly. "You can tell the truth can't ye to a dyin' woman?" "Fergive me, Becky!" A scowling face, tortured with pain, was thrust into the window. "Sh-h!" whispered the girl, imperiously, and the man lifted his heavy eyes, dropped one elbow on the window-sill and waited. "You tuk Jim from me!"

Bossom. "So we're in love, are we?" He cast a guilty look around. "There's Mortimer, comin' down the path, an' only two fields away." "And it's a long story, is it? Well, I'll let you off this time," said Tilda. "But listen to this, an' don't you fergit it. If along o' your dawdlin' they lay hands on Arthur Miles here, I'll never fergive you no, never." "You leave that to me, missie.

Ax him to fergive me fer killin' ye." "Have mercy, O Lawd," prayed Crump, to command and the prayer was subtle "on the murderer of this Thy servant. A life fer a life, Thou hev said, O Lawd. Fer killin' me he will foller me, 'n' ef Ye hev not mussy he is boun' fer the lowes' pit o' hell, O Lawd " It was Isom's time to wince now, and Crump's pious groan was cut short.

"Ah, me poor Mary," sobbed the woman in black. With low, coddling cries, she sank on her knees by the mourner's chair, and put her arms about her. The other women began to groan in different keys. "Yer poor misguided chil' is gone now, Mary, an' let us hope it's fer deh bes'. Yeh'll fergive her now, Mary, won't yehs, dear, all her disobed'ence?

Fergive me, please; I would love you if I could, but somethin' makes me shake away from you because Pierre's dead." Again she wept, exhausted, broken-hearted weeping it was. And Prosper's face was drawn by pity of her. That story of her life and love, it was a sort of saga, something as moving as an old ballad most beautifully sung.