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"All that you've said," she replied, "is very fine; but in regard o' the bag-pipes, an' Miss Granua Mulcahy's squeezin' the music out o' thim why, if it plased God to bring my son to the staff an' bag a common beggar indeed, in that case, Miss Granua's bagpipes might sarve both o' thim, an' help, maybe, to get them a night's lodgin' or so; but until that time comes, if you respect your niece, you'll burn her bagpipes, dhrone, chanther, an' all.

An' I up an' ast' her to take me down to see 'em." It was easy to see what Calliope had done, I thought: she had promised to spend Christmas Eve over there in the north corridor, reading aloud. "They was nine of 'em," she went on, "nice old grandma ladies, with hands that looked like they'd ought to 'a' been tyin' little aprons an' cuttin' out cookies an' squeezin' somebody else's hand.

"De lady says dat she's on to de fact dat gals is dead easy when a feller comes spielin' ghost stories and tryin' to make up, and dat's why she won't listen to no soft-soap. She says she caught yer dead to rights, huggin' a bunch o' calico in de hot-house. She side-stepped in to pull some posies and yer was squeezin' de oder gal to beat de band.

About all the features I can make out are a pair of bushy eyebrows, a prominent hooked beak, and a set of crisp, curlin' black whiskers. Hardly the kind to go shinnin' up waterspouts or squeezin' through upper windows. Still, I'd almost caught him in the act. "If that's a disguise you've got on," says I, "it's a bird. And if it ain't say, let's hear the tale. Who do you claim to be, anyway?"

"'We've seen our dead, he sez, squeezin' into me; 'our dead that was men two days gone! An' me that was his cousin by blood could not bring Tim Coulan off! Let me get on, he sez, 'let me get to thim or I'll run ye through the back! "'My troth, thinks I, 'if the Tyrone have seen their dead, God help the Paythans this day! An' thin I knew why the Oirish was ragin' behind us as they was.

Quelle vie what life!" To this Macavoy said: "Spit-spat! But what the devil good does all yer thinkin' do ye, Pierre? It's argufy here and argufy there, an' while yer at that, me an' the rest av us is squeezin' the fun out o' life. Aw, go 'long wid ye. Y'are only a bit o' hell and grammar, annyway.

She leaves off, squeezin' one hand in the other until the ends of the fingers went white, her chest heavin', her eyes stary. Larry watches her without a word. "Tell me," says she after a bit, "why you ran away that time and left me to to make such a mess of things. Why?" "For the same reason that I'm going away again now," says he.

"Thank 'ee kindly," returned Bevan, who possessed a grateful spirit; "I'll think better of yer grass-gatherin' after this, though it does puzzle me awful to make out what's the use ye put it to. If you kep' tame rabbits, now, I could understand it, but to carry it about in a green box an' go squeezin' it between the leaves o' books, as I've seed some of 'ee do, seems to me the most outrageous "

"Let it go, poor thing!" cried half-a-dozen of the men, gazing at the little prisoner with a degree of interest that cannot be thoroughly understood by those who have not passed through experiences similar to those of our Arctic voyagers. "Ay, don't hurt it, poor thing! You're squeezin' it too hard!" cried Amos Parr. "Squaazing it! no, then, I'm not. Go, avic, an' me blessin' go wid ye."

You'll rise right up to the top of the pot, you'll go clean over Peel's head, as your folks go over ourn, not by jumpin' over him, but by takin' him by the neck and squeezin' him down. You 'mancipated the blacks, now liberate the colonists and make Englishmen of them, and see whether the goneys won't grin from ear to ear, and shew their teeth, as well as the niggers did. "Here," said Mr.