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"Air you gone, William?" I axed. "Rayther," he replide, and I knowd it was no use to pursoo the subjeck furder. I then called fur my farther. "How's things, daddy?" "Middlin, my son, middlin." "Ain't you proud of your orfurn boy?" "Scacely." "Why not, my parient?" "Becawz you hav gone to writin for the noospapers, my son. Bimeby you'll lose all your character for trooth and verrasserty.

"I guess not," sed I, "when you put sugar into it. That's the way I allers take mine." "Have you sons grown up, sir?" the man axed. "Wall," I replide, as I put myself outside my beverage, "my son Artemus junior is goin on 18." "Ain't you afraid if you set this example be4 him he'll cum to a bad end?" "He's cum to a waxed end already. He's learnin the shoe makin bizness," I replide.

I hearing him so pleasant, began to gather vp my spirits, and replide as boldly as I durst Sir, you are welcome, your name which I haue borrowed I haue not abused. Some large summes of money this my sweete mistres Diamante hath made me master of, which I knew not how better to imploy for the honour of my country, than by spending it munificently vnder your name.

Eagerly I replide after his long suppliant oration; Though I knewe God would neuer haue mercie on mee except I had mercie on thee, yet of thee no mercie would I haue. Reuenge in our tragedies continually is raised from hell: of hell doo I esteeme better than heauen, if it affoord me reuenge. There is no heauen but reuenge.

I sed if Bill Tompkins, who was onct my partner in the show biznis, was sober, I should like to convarse with him a few periods. "Is the Sperret of William Tompkins present?" sed 1 of the long hared chaps, and there was three knox on the table. Sez I, "William, how goze it, Old Sweetness?" "Pretty ruff, old hoss," he replide.

"Sit down, my fren," sed the man in black close, "yu miskomprehend me. I meen that the perlittercal ellermunts are orecast with black klouds, 4boden a friteful storm." "Wall," replide I, "in regard to perlittercal ellerfunts I don't know as how but what they is as good as enny other kind of ellerfunts. But I maik bold to say thay is all a ornery set & unpleasant to hav around.

Did he go to "the Lodge" on nites when there wasn't any Lodge? did he often hav to go down town to meet a friend? did he hav a extensiv acquaintance among poor young widders whose husbands was in Californy? to all of which questions the Prints perlitely replide, givin me to understand that the Emperor was behavin well.

"That's what's the matter with me," I replide. "But blarst my hize, sir, its onprecedented. It's orful, sir. Nothin' like it hain't happened sins the Gun Powder Plot of Guy Forks. Owdashus man, who air you?" "Sir," sez I, drawin myself up & puttin on a defiant air, "I'm a Amerycan sitterzen. My name is Ward. I'm a husband & the father of twins, which I'm happy to state thay look like me.

"No!" sez I, gittin up in a exsited manner, "yu don't say so! How long has she bin in that way?" "Frum her arliest infuncy," sed he. "Wall, whot upon arth duz she doo it fur?" I inquired. "She kan't help it," sed the man in black close. "It's the brand of Kane." "Wall, she'd better stop drinkin Kane's brandy," I replide. "I sed the brand of Kane was upon her not brandy, my fren.

"You air a marrid man, Mister Yung, I bleeve?" sez I, preparin to rite him sum free parsis. "I hev eighty wives, Mister Ward. I sertinly am married." "How do you like it as far as you hev got?" sed I. He sed "middlin," and axed me wouldn't I like to see his famerly, to which I replide that I wouldn't mine minglin with the fair Seck & Barskin in the winnin smiles of his interestin wives.