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"I've married all states but widders," said Captain Pharo, with a blasé air of conjugal experience; "but my advice above all things is," he murmured, lifting his maimed foot, "don't splice onto too young a shipmate. They're all'as a-tryin' some new ructions on ye.

To wrest from reluctant earth her richest treasures, to add to the wealth of the world, to create here was satisfaction. "We ain't robbin' no widders an' orphans doin' it, neither," Dextry suddenly remarked, expressing his partner's feelings closely. They looked at each other and smiled with that rare understanding that exceeds words.

Were his widders left to grieve and die out after him? No. Mr. Brigham Young, he succeeded to his honours, and he married the widders." This was received somewhat dubiously; the assemblage not clear whether to approve it or to cavil at it. "Not so much to be his wives, you know, as to be a kind of ruling matrons in his household," went on Brother Jarrum.

All but Miss Plank, and a few old maids and widders, and such, who mebby had had hopes. Miss Plank looked and acted as flat and crushed down as one of her favorite cakes, or as if she wuz a-layin' under her own sirname. She said she hated to lose the profit of such a boarder, and mebby that wuz it I don't say it wuzn't.

John had never heard about Sary, so he was unprepared to offer any advice, but he thought best to agree in everything with Jeb, concerning this particular one, and all "widders" in general. "Ye-es siree! That Sary kin ketch any man she starts out to trap. Ef she laid eyes on enny of them farm-hands at Pebbly Pit, like-as-how she has on me, they'd roll right over and eat from her han's.

He talked about the different kinds of drink as they walked along till Sam, wot was looking for a high- class pub, got such a raging thirst on 'im he hardly knew wot to do with 'imself. He passed several pubs, and walked on as fast as he could to the Three Widders. "Do you want to go in there partikler?" ses the man, stopping at the door. "No," ses Sam, staring.

'Wot do you mean by her making jokes? demanded Sam, quite aghast at the obscurity of his parent's speech. 'Never you mind, Samivel, returned Mr. Weller gravely; 'puns may be wery good things or they may be wery bad 'uns, and a female may be none the better or she may be none the vurse for making of 'em; that's got nothing to do vith widders.

Don't want much, but I want it quick! This 'ere 's for the relief of widders and orphans. Make it sudden. Each one of you gents step out to the center of the room and leave five dollars. And step back when you 've put it there. Ladies stay where you 're at!" Again a laugh. Fairchild turned to his companion, as she nudged him. "There, it's your turn."

And they've got the girls thinking, too, and most of the widders and old maids besides. I don't see how a smart feller like you, A. A., happened to overlook the possibility of just this kind of thing happening." "Good Lord, what have I got to do with it?" "Why, darn it all, you'd ought to have put up a few huts with 'For Rent' signs on 'em, or else " "By George, Buck!

It's my belief that she was all that kept Old Man Bob from marryin' again in less'n a year after Ann 'Liza died. He courted three or four widders and old maids round the neighborhood, but there wasn't one of 'em that anxious to marry that she'd take Old Man Bob with Annie thrown in. As soon as she got old enough, Old Man Bob carried her with him wherever he went.