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Ah says to mahself, jest the other day, Ah ain't never had no fun or chanct to better mahself, Ah says: 'Sary Dodd, when you get Jeb you plan to go about like-as-how Anne Stewart is doin'. Nolla, thar ain't nuthin' like a bit of travel to polish folks up, is thar now?" "You're right, Sary! Just exactly right," laughed Eleanor.

"Is Sary Dodd hangin' 'round?" he whispered, anxiously. "She's in her room getting ready for company," was Eleanor's amused reply. "Wall, you-all kin do me a big favor ef you-all explain like-as-how Ah was too sick to come in, to-night. She tol' me Ah jus' had to call on her, to-night, but Ah ain't got courage.

John had never heard about Sary, so he was unprepared to offer any advice, but he thought best to agree in everything with Jeb, concerning this particular one, and all "widders" in general. "Ye-es siree! That Sary kin ketch any man she starts out to trap. Ef she laid eyes on enny of them farm-hands at Pebbly Pit, like-as-how she has on me, they'd roll right over and eat from her han's.

An' nex' time we-all kin go on to Noo York, like-as-how Ah said." Eleanor caught her breath at this astounding news. The picture of Barbara and her mother receiving Sary and Jeb proved too much for her risibles and she laughed merrily as she replied to Sary's announcement. "Sary, if Jeb and you would honor our house with a visit, I'd tell Daddy to look after you-all.

Ah've learned like-as-how being right on th' spot when a man's willin' to be cotched, is more'n half the fight to hook him. Ah kin afford to snap mah fingers at all them ranch gals about Oak Crick, tryin' their bestes to make Jeb wink his eye at 'em, jus' because Ah am whar Ah am keepin' tabs on him, all his time."

"Jeb, what you-all clutchin' at my arm like-as-how you are?" now asked Sary, in no weak or tender voice. "Ah ain't clutchin' nothin', Sary!" was Jeb's defense of his manhood. "Ah don't know what you call it, then.

"Ah also said to Jeb that now he was callin' on me evenin's, and by such ways showin' the public like-as-how he was courtin' me, it was the right thing to do to marry afore you-all leave the ranch. Then we both could pitch in and do fer your interests, as well as fer our own, what two folks separate can't do as well. See?"

It doesn't look as if we-all can use their knowledge now, but we may as well talk things over seeing that like-as-how they will have had the long trip here," ventured Mr. Brewster, thoughtfully. "We-all ought to make up a crowd to go up and try to find Haywuth's body. Mebbe it will show when the snow's melted from the slope," added Bill.

Sit up like a regular traveler, Jeb, and don't slump in the seat like-as-how your head wants to duck from some crash," declared Sary, heroically trying to lift Jeb's courage by gripping his coat collar and hoisting him almost out of his badly fitting coat. Eleanor smothered a laugh but said nothing to disturb the vaudeville she was enjoying. Mr. and Mrs.

"Thar's one good thing about this fire it seems to be comin' down, and it don't travel near so quick that way, like-as-how it do when it goes upward. Mebbe we-all kin choke it in its first stages," explained Bill. Eleanor and her two followers now reached the end of the little erosion made by a storm. Then the city girl found it really was no trail at all.