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Votre satiete n'attend pas le banquet, et connaissant la coupe ou le monde s'enivre, dedaigneuse a vos pieds vous le regardez vivre. Et vous apparaissez par un geste coquet, rappelant Mnemosyne a son socle appuyee comme le souvenir d'une sphere oublie.

Here the historical Amanda revelled, and quenched the meek old guide with a burst of information which caused him to stare humbly at 'the mad English. 'Regardez, my dears, the chamber and oratory of Catherine de Medicis, who here plotted the death of the Duc de Guise.

He remembered such a person called, but could not describe his looks any further than to say that he was not a small man. I did not press the matter. "Vous regardez une etoile pour deux motifs, parce qu'elle est lumineuse et parce qu'elle est impenetrable. Vous avez aupres de vous un plus doux rayonnement et un pas grand mystere, la femme." Les Miserables.

I'm not ashamed of Les Petit Patou. But it seems so so " he snapped his fingers for the word "so incongruous. My military rank demanded that I should preserve it from ridicule you'll remember I asked you to say nothing of the circus." "Still," said I, "the name Petit Patou conveys nothing to me." "I'm the original Petit Patou. When I took a partner we became plural. Regardez un instant."

Baptiste was not a man of many words, and this reply, coupled with the insolent sneer with which it was uttered, caused him to plant a sudden and well-directed blow on the point of Hugh's nose, which flattened it on his face, and brought the back of his head into violent contact with the door. "Well done!" shouted the men; "bravo, Baptiste! Regardez le nez, mes enfants!"

She flew half-way across to the oriel-window, her voice ringing out clear and gay, though broken by bursts of irrepressible merriment. "Regardez, regardez donc, Maman! Ma bonne m'avait dit qu'il était un avorton, et que ce serait très amusant de le voir. Elle m'a conseiller de lui faire marcher."

Here we paused awhile to rest and admire the view; while Josephine, pleased as a child on a holiday, flung pebbles into the well, ate sugar-plums, and amused herself with my pocket-telescope. "Regardez!" she cried, "there is the dome of the Panthéon. I am sure it is the Panthéon and to the right, far away, I see a town! little white houses, and a steeple.

His eyes searched the shadows round the base of the tower, for his ears had already caught a faint, almost inaudible throbbing that seemed to grow from moment to moment. There certainly was a dull vibration in the air, a vibration like the distant hum of machinery. Suddenly old Edouard touched Bennie upon the shoulder. "Regardez!" he whispered.

"It is the chase he make," the half-breed resumed, and another figure came out of the gloom, a short distance in front of the one they had seen. The man moved feebly, stumbling now and then, but it was obvious that he meant to keep ahead of his pursuer. As he crossed a belt of moonlight one of the Metis recognized him, for he cried: "Steve le sauage! Regardez moi l'ivrogne!"

But entreaties, piteous words, the exhibition of frightened children and wailing babes could not make a place in carriages already packed to bursting-point. It was impossible to get one more human being inside. "C'est impossible! C'est absolument impossible! Regardez! On ne peut pas faire plus de place, Madame!" I was tempted sometimes to yield up my place.