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Music and poetry all the deepest, purest sentiments of the heart are fed greatly upon the memory of the things that were but can never be again. Mnemosyne is the mother of all the Muses. I got up and went out. By the light of a thin moon, I found the place "over there." An odd, pathetic little ruin it is, to be sure. Nothing imposing about it.

Antiquity called him the Virgin. The name well befits his Muse, and we should picture her as a Mnemosyne pondering over the works of men and the causes of things!" Meanwhile Garneret, with a more concentrated attention and his finger on the lines, was marshalling his ideas.

There were others, whose names were Oceanus, Hyperion, Iapetus, and Ophion, males; and Themis, Mnemosyne, Eurynome, females. They are spoken of as the elder gods, whose dominion was afterwards transferred to others. Saturn yielded to Jupiter, Oceanus to Neptune, Hyperion to Apollo. Hyperion was the father of the Sun, Moon, and Dawn.

"And whenever you require the use of your telescope, Paganel, I shall be equally obliging," replied the Major, gravely. "Let us begin, then; and ladies and gentlemen, you shall be our jury. Robert, you must keep count." This was agreed upon, and Paganel forthwith commenced. "Mnemosyne!

Thee, Mnemosyne! let us still adore; content rather to droop, fade, and die martyrs to thee! than linger on as beasts of the forest, that know thee not. No hope may be ours to animate the future: let us still cling to thee, though thine influence sadden the past. Away! we are on the placid sea! and Naples lies before us.

What an odd thing memory is, to be sure, to have kept such a triviality, and have lost so much that was invaluable! She is a crazy wench, that Mnemosyne; she throws her jewels out of the window and locks up straws and old rags in her strong box.

If the poet exalts memory to this station, he may indeed claim that he is not furtively adoring his own petty powers, when he reverences the visions which Mnemosyne vouchsafes to him. And indeed Plato's account of memory is congenial to many poets. As an explanation for inspiration, the theory recurs in verse of other poets. One writer inquires,

Stuart Rem's published beautiful sermon ON DIRT; the words of which were an antidote to the night of Tasso in the nostrils of Mnemosyne; so that Dorothea could reply to her sister, slightly by way of a reproval, quoting Mr.

As to the Muses, there were at first four Thelxiope, Aoede, Arche, and Melete daughters of the second Jupiter; afterward there were nine, daughters of the third Jupiter and Mnemosyne; there were also nine others, having the same appellations, born of Pierus and Antiopa, by the poets usually called Pierides and Pieriæ.

After Phidias came to Elis, he made for Plato a small statue of Mnemosyne, that turned and looked upward to Heaven, while she held a half-opened scroll toward the earth. It was beautiful beyond description; but there was bitterness in my heart when I looked upon it; I thought Memory should be represented armed with the scourge of the Furies."