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She may treat me as she pleases: it's all the same to me as soon as she smiles. But as for this redheaded Scotch-Irishman " "Stop!" said Peter. "Not a word against him!" O'Bannon stared. "He's no friend of yours," said he, reflectively. "He is!" "Oh, is he?

Very likely a price was already on his head. The redheaded boy rolled another cigarette despondently. "Sho! I've cooked my goose. She'll not look at me even if they don't send me to the pen." In a moment he added huskily, staring into the deepening darkness: "And she's the best ever. Her name's Myra Anderson."

You know some of these redheaded women, they just as devilish as they can be. We had some neighbors, Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Daniels and old miss would be out there on the lawn quarrelin' till it was just like a fog. Us niggers would be out there listenin'. "But I was always treated good. You know if I had been beat over the head I couldn't recollect things now. My head ain't been cracked up.

The story of the wound I got in the forest and the mode of cure are very short. I had pursued a redheaded woodpecker for above a mile in the forest without being able to get a shot at it.

"Every time he came home from church, that redheaded harridan would open up on him with such a string of vituperation that he had to hold his ears so's not to forget himself and backslide. Well, it got so that Bob couldn't live with her any longer. She simply wouldn't puritanize.

And you know, Anne, that would spoil the effect." "But it's so ridiculous to have a redheaded Elaine," mourned Anne. "I'm not afraid to float down and I'd love to be Elaine. But it's ridiculous just the same. Ruby ought to be Elaine because she is so fair and has such lovely long golden hair Elaine had 'all her bright hair streaming down, you know. And Elaine was the lily maid.

"Where's Cartwright?" she asked. "Sitting in a game of poker." "Hello, buddy!" she called to a redheaded youngster. "Go in and tell Cartwright that I'm waiting for him in my room, will you?" "Ain't no use," said Pop, staring at this new and more masculine Jig. "Cartwright is all heated up about the game. And he's lost enough to get anybody excited. He won't come.

Someone's snitched to the district attorney, I'll bet. That'll make the Chief sore, all right and he's 'way up in the country, too. I don't dare wire it to him. No, someone'll have to take a copy of this paper up there to him and tip him off. He'll be redheaded if he doesn't know about it. He was the last time anything happened. Hurry up. Finish with this car. I'll take it myself."

"Because they are wicked," said the redheaded woodpecker. "They climb trees and break up the nests we have worked so hard to build, and they steal away our lovely eggs oh, I hate little boys!" "Good little boys don't steal birds' eggs," said Fido, "and I'm sure I never would play with a bad boy."

"That little redheaded girl they have over at Cuthbert's is as smart as they make 'em. I tell you she saved that baby's life, for it would have been too late by the time I got there. She seems to have a skill and presence of mind perfectly wonderful in a child of her age. I never saw anything like the eyes of her when she was explaining the case to me."