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Thayer, Constance, and the men fell upon the stronger beverages, while Mary and the girls divided the milk. Under cover of the general chatter McEwan raised his glass to Constance. "I take off my hat to you, Mrs. Elliot, for a stage manager," he whispered, glancing at the other women. "A black-haired soubrette, a brown pony, and a redheaded slip; no rivals to the leading lady in this show!"

Two colored men were carrying in furniture, and an old lady with her head tied up in a towel was sweeping off the narrow front porch. "Gee, she's got a parrot!" cried a ragged, redheaded little boy who was trying to walk on top of the sharp pickets.

Then he gave that gruff laugh of his that Helen knew to be a signal of surrender. "It's odd," he went on, "how one can admire and respect when often he disapproves. I disapprove of this redheaded girl, but, if it will comfort you any, my child, I will tell you this: Dick's future, in her hands, would be founded on on everlasting rock!" "Perhaps she won't have him!"

Dickie's mug paused in air half-way to his mouth, which remained open. "What's up?" Beale asked, trying to turn on the narrow seat and look up, which he couldn't do. "It's 'im," whispered Dickie, setting down the mug. "That red'eaded chap wot I never see." And then the redheaded man came round the partition and sat down beside Beale and talked to him, and Dickie wished he wouldn't.

"I hate you I hate you I hate you " a louder stamp with each assertion of hatred. "How dare you call me skinny and ugly? How dare you say I'm freckled and redheaded? You are a rude, impolite, unfeeling woman!" "Anne!" exclaimed Marilla in consternation. But Anne continued to face Mrs.

So remember, as long as you wear freckles, if you do anything crooked, there is a sign right on your face that tells the tale." "Say, Uncle Ike, what is a trust?" asked the redheaded boy, anxious to turn the subject away from wiener skins and freckles. "What good does a trust do?"

He was sitting by the table under the awning of the steamer and drinking tea, together with Yefim and the receiver of the corn, a provincial clerk a redheaded, short-sighted gentleman in glasses.

The sound of my voice irritated him, and he motioned slightly with his left hand as a man does when interruption jars. "You never told me he was redheaded before, or that he captured your galley," I said, after a discreet interval. Charlie did not raise his eyes. "He was as red as a red bear," said he, abstractedly.

"I grabbed a circus man by the arm." "Did you resign as constable?" asked the redheaded boy, and he looked at Uncle Ike with awe, as he would at a hero of a hundred battles. "Did I? That's the first thing I did when I came to, and I have never looked at a tin star on a deputy since without a shudder, and I have never let an admiring public force any office on to me to this day.

Despite Steve's protests that he did not wish to know Gay and that Trudy was impossible he was forced to listen to their inane jokes and absurd flatteries and to look at Trudy in her taupe chiffon with exclamatory strands of burnt ostrich, and watch her deft fashion of handling his wife, realizing that people with one-cylinder brains and smart-looking, redheaded wives usually get by with things!