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Oh, look, there's one little early wild rose out! Isn't it lovely? Don't you think it must be glad to be a rose? Wouldn't it be nice if roses could talk? I'm sure they could tell us such lovely things. And isn't pink the most bewitching color in the world? I love it, but I can't wear it. Redheaded people can't wear pink, not even in imagination.

"This 'ere walking tower of ours. We pays our own way? No cadging?" "I should 'ope you know me better than that," said Beale virtuously; "not a patter have I done since I done the Rally and started in the dog line." "Nor yet no dealings with that redheaded chap what I never see?" "Now, is it likely?" Beale asked reproachfully. "I should 'ope we're a cut above a low chap like wot 'e is.

If I was to remain in Manila I would have disillusioned him, and so put a stop to his trailing me about, but, as I was leaving in a few hours, I anticipated but little more trouble from him or the redheaded man. Besides, I saw an opportunity to make game of him by telling him his mistake after we were well to sea and leading him on a fool's voyage.

Abruptly Mac got up and disappeared in the night, muttering something about looking after the horses. His partner understood well enough what was the matter. The redheaded puncher was in a stress of emotion, and like the boy he was he did not want Curly to know it. Flandrau pretended to be asleep when Mac returned half an hour later.

And then, as he heard the voice again, he grinned, and chuckled softly. "It's Cassidy, Pied-Bot! We can't lose that redheaded fox, can we?" A good humored deviltry lay in his eyes, and Peter looking up thought for a moment his master was laughing. Then Jolly Roger made a megaphone of his hands, and called very clearly out into the night. "Ho, Cassidy! Is that you, Cassidy?"

Had she heard Corcoran's unmistakable offer and his own too plain acceptance of it? Confound Corcoran! If he couldn't put his meaning into less dangerous phrases he'd get into trouble some of these long-come-shorts. And confound redheaded school-ma'ams with a habit of popping out of beechwoods where they had no business to be.

Her back being turned towards the end of the room wherein the redheaded Keno was ensconced, that diffident individual furtively put forth his hand and clutched up his boots and trousers from the floor. The latter he managed to adjust as he wormed about in the berth.

"Uncle Ike, I've got a scheme to get rich, and I will take you into partnership with me," said the redheaded boy, as Uncle Ike began to cool off from his circus story. "You go in with me and furnish the money, and I will buy a lot of hens, and fix up the back yard with lath, and just let the hens lay eggs and raise chickens, and we will sell them.

I've got the dibs for yer ticket done up in this 'ere belt I'm a-goin' to put on you. But don't you let on to any one it's Gravesend you're a-coming to. See?" "An' if I don't get pinched?" "Then you just opens the door and me and that redheaded bloke we comes in." "What for?" asked Dickie.

"This is Dover Castle," said Daisy, touching a redheaded pin; "and this is Caernarvon, and Conway; and these black ones are towns. There is London and Liverpool and York and Oxford don't you see?" "I see, but it would take a witch to remember. What are you doing?" "Studying English history, sir; and as fast as we come to a great town or castle we mark it.