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The laugh was checked as suddenly as it had come, and a grim quality entered his voice. "But Ferguson wasn't no tenderfoot he didn't scare none. He went right on, not sayin' anything. You see, he was reckonin' to be man's size." He rode on a little way, and as he entered another clearing a rational gleam came into his eyes. "I'm still a-goin' it," he muttered.

It was Bud who voiced the thought of both partners immediately after a close interrogation of the injured man. "Looks like some low-bred son-of-a-hobo owes you a reckonin' he's yearnin' to git quit of, Jeff," he said, the moment they were alone. "They're workin' this way all the time. They ain't so much as smelt around the old 'T.T. territory in days. D'you make it that way?" Jeff nodded.

"They got the Judge, 'Brand' they run him off, with my cayuse!" "Who got him?" "I ain't reckonin' to know. Some of Corrigan's scum, most likely I didn't see 'em close." "How long ago?" "Not a hell of a while. Mebbe fifteen or twenty minutes. I been missin' a lot of time, I reckon. Can't have been long, though." "Which way did they go?" "Off towards Manti. Two of 'em took him.

That's the sittiwation, accordin' to my reckonin'. Now, 'oo's for it?" "Butt right in, skipper," said a gentleman who claimed Providence, Rhode Island, as the place of his nativity. Hozier, who had contrived to draw near Iris while Coke was speaking, breathed softly, so that none other could hear: "This is rank piracy. But what else can we do?" "Is it wrong?" she asked.

Asked why he was back so soon, he replied: "Well, fellers, one o' them big depot water tanks burnt plumb up this mawnin', an' reckonin' whar that'd happen a feller might ketch fire anywhere in them little old town trails, I jes' nachally pulled my freight for camp!" But a cowboy is the subject of this story Kit Joy.

By my reckonin' the Dearsley man won't take me; so me an' Orth'ris 'll see fair play. Jock, I tell you, 'twill be big fightin' whipped, wid the cream above the jam. Afther the business 'twill take a good three av us Jock 'll be very hurt to haul away that sedan-chair." "Palanquin." This from Ortheris. "Fwhatever ut is, we must have ut.

"You're welcome to the Flyin' W," said the man, breaking an awkward silence. "Tom Chavis is special glad to see a pretty woman around these parts." She felt, in his eyes more than his words, a veiled significance. She reddened a little, but met his gaze fairly, her eyes unwavering. "Who is Tom Chavis?" she asked. "I'm reckonin' to be Tom Chavis," he said, studying her.

I'm going to take the canteen and some slices of meat, so I sha'n't be hungry or thirsty. I count on being back in three days; but if I'm gone five you mustn't think anything has gone wrong, for it may be a longer trip than I'm reckonin' on. I love you, and daddy, and Margie mighty well; and this footing it across the desert ain't half as dangerous as you think for. Your son,

Not by a reckonin'. You've got the nimblest pair o' hands I know an' I've got the shabbiest coat. I'm fair ashamed to wear it to market, yet I ain't a man 'shamed of trifles. If you'll put them hands of yourn and that coat o' mine together, I'd be like to credit you a quarter, an' you find the patches." "A quarter! A hull, endurin' quarter of a dollar! You darlin' old grocer-man.

"When I left Joe Hamlin he was a whole lot alive an' gettin' more alive right along. I left Andy Miller with him an' Andy's got more sabe of medicine than any doctor in these parts!" "Shorty!" she breathed, springing around in front of him and catching him by the shoulders standing on tip-toe to do it. "Shorty, you don't mean it?" Shorty laughed lowly. "I'm reckonin' to mean it, Miss Ruth."