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Of course, I'm in a way helpless now, being on the ship's books, and he in a manner of speakin' an orficer; but one of these days there'll be a reckonin', or my name en't Bulger." The boatswain brought down his fist with a resounding whack on the scuttle butt, threatening to stave in the top of the barrel. "And how did the fight end?" asked Desmond.

"I wasn't reckonin' to start a feud at all," said the old man thoughtfully, "an' it really never was one. It was jes' a personal difference between Isaac Howkle an' me. Thar was lots o' times that I could have picked off either o' his two brothers, but I was jes' guardin' myself against Isaac." "But you said he got there first!" said the boy. "Did he shoot some one in your family?"

'Fwhy is ut? said Mulvaney, bringing down his hand on his thigh with a crack. In the name av God, fwhy is ut? I've seen ut, tu. They cheat an' they swindle an' they lie an' they slander, an' fifty things fifty times worse; but the last an' the worst by their reckonin' is to serve the Widdy honest. It's like the talk av childher seein' things all round.

You see, I didn't intend to, but I was ridin' down that way an' I thought I'd stop in an' have a talk with Ben." "Oh!" Sometimes even a monosyllable is pregnant with mockery. "But he wasn't there. Nobody was there. I wasn't reckonin' on everybody runnin' off." She turned and looked straight at him. "Why," she said, "I shouldn't think our running away would surprise you.

'Then my lie an' my sunstroke is concealed under that lump av sod yonder, retorted Mulvaney unruffled, nodding across the scrub. 'An' there's a dale more in nature than your squidgy little legs have iver taken you to, Orth'ris, me son. Four hundred an' thirty-four rupees by my reckonin', AN' a big fat gold necklace that I took from him as a remimbrancer, was our share in that business.

And then out of the tail of his eye he saw Uncle Jepson winking violent applause at him, and a broad grin suffused his face. He made some effort to suppress it, but deepening wrinkles around his eyes contradicted the gravity of his lips. "Why, I wasn't reckonin' to hurt him, ma'am," he said.

I'm guessin' you know all this all right, all right, and I'm only telling it so you can get the rest clear. How you and your boys get these things I'm not guessing. It's smart. But here's the bad stuff. It's my way to watch folks and draw 'em when I want to get wise. I drew them boys. They're reckonin' things are getting hot for 'emselves. They're scared.

Yu'll shore need it all afore th' Hills get through with yu," laughingly replied Hopalong. "Oh, yore shore kind! But I was a sort of reckonin' that we needs some more. Perfesser P. D. Q. Waffles is our poker man an' he shore can clean out anything I ever saw.

"Yes I'm thinking of using one one of these days." The parson spread the paper out on the table. Together he and Dakota bent their heads over it. After reading the license Dakota stood erect. He laughed, looking at the parson. "There ain't a name on it," he said, "not a name." "They're reckonin' to fill in the names when they're married," explained the parson.

One o' them places where a hundred an' more years ago the old fur-traders stole, and looted, and murdered the darn neches, and mostly drank themselves to death when they didn't do it by shootin'. That don't figure a heap in the boys' reckonin'. What does, is the feller Lorson sent there.