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Joel Quimber, whom such outbursts of eloquence on the Colonel's part in the usual town-meeting left in a generally dazed condition of mind and politics, remarked that he heard the whistle of the evening train about fifteen minutes ago, and asked if Augustus were expecting any one up on it. "No, but the team's gone down to meet it just the same.

She waved her hand to both and entered the shop. Old Quimber caught Octavius by the arm to detain him a moment before he himself retraced his steps up street. "What d'ye think, Tave? they goin' to make a match on't, she an' Poggi? I see 'm together a sight." "You can't tell 'bout Aileen any more'n a weather-cock. She might go farther and fare worse."

She found Joel Quimber sitting in his arm chair on the back porch of the little house belonging to his grand-niece. The old man looked feeble, exhausted and white; but his eyes brightened on seeing Aileen come round the corner of the porch. "What you got there, Aileen?" "Something good for you, Uncle Jo. Hannah made it for you on purpose." She showed him the broth.

He had gained an indefinite knowledge of it through old Joel Quimber and Elmer Wiggins and Mrs. Milton Caukins, a distant relative of his father's. To be sure, Louis Champney might have left him his hunting-piece, which as a boy he had coveted, just for the sake of his name He stopped short in his speculations for he heard voices in the lane.

"At it again, Milton Caukins!" It was Mr. Wiggins who, entering the office, interrupted the flow, "dammed the torrent", he was wont to say. He extended a hand to young Googe. "Glad to see you, Champney. I hear there is a prospect of your remaining with us. Quimber tells us he heard something to the effect that a position might be offered you by the syndicate." "It's the first I've heard of it.

On his way to The Greenbush he overtook Joel Quimber, and without warning linked his arm close in the old man's. At the sudden contact Joel started. "Uncle Jo, old chap, how are you? This seems like home to see you round." "Lord bless me, Champ, how you come on a feller! Here, stan' still till I get a good look at ye; growed, growed out of all notion. Why, I hain't seen ye for good two year.

"Bully for you, Uncle Jo!" Champney slapped the rounded shoulders with such appreciative heartiness that the old man's pipe threatened to be shaken from between his toothless gums. "You have heard the very thing I've been hoping for. Tave never let on that he knew anything about it." "He didn't, only what I told him." Old Quimber cackled weakly.

"You're in a good part of the time ef you did but know it." "Oh, Uncle Jo, did they teach you how to flatter like that in the little old schoolhouse you showed me years ago at The Corners?" Old Joel Quimber chuckled weakly. "No not thar.

Caukins elects to provide herself, and I need not assure you, who know her culinary powers, that it will be a ne plus ultra of a cake, both in material and execution; fruits, coffee and cheese Roquefort. Your accomplished chef can fill in the interstices. Here are the cards Quimber at my right, if you please." Augustus looked at the cards and smiled.

"Shut up, Quimber," said Octavius shortly; and Joel Quimber "shut up," but, winking knowingly at Augustus Buzzby, continued to chuckle to himself till the Colonel entered who, beginning to expatiate upon the subject of Champney Googe's prospects when he should have returned to the home-welcome awaiting him, was happily interrupted by the announcement of that young man's unexpected arrival on the evening train.