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"Have I? Well, I'm glad of that; that's something, isn't it? No man likes to acknowledge utter defeat; I'm certain I don't." I dug away with the putter for a minute. Then I said: "If I asked dad to let you stay, don't you think he would?" "Perhaps; but I wouldn't want to." "Oh, if you want to go away, all right," I grumbled. "I meant that I wouldn't care to remain just because of a whim of yours.

It was the veriest atom of a pebble that ever showed on a putting green, but West was willing to take no chances beyond those that already confronted him. His mind was made up. Gripping his iron putter firmly rather low on the shaft and bending far over, West slowly, cautiously swung the club above the gutty, glancing once and only once as he did so at the distant goal. Then there was a pause.

Ain't you the man that shot a feller out West? Seems to me I heerd somethin' about it." "Which one did you hear about?" Austen asked. "Good Lord!" said Mr. Putter, "you didn't shoot more'n one, did you?" It was just three o'clock when Austen drove into the semicircle opposite the Widow Peasley's, rang Mr.

A man who would compare golf with shinny is capable of contrasting Venice with a drainage canal, and I came near telling him so. Golf and shinny! Whist and old maid! Pink lemonade and champagne! "No, sir, I never could see much in this golf game," said Harding, handing back my putter. "It certainly isn't much of a trick to hit one of those balls with a mallet like that.

There are to be but a thousand delegates to the convention, and at least two thousand men have already passed through the room and those who don't smoke have friends. It is well that Mr. Crewe has stuck to his conservative habit of not squeezing hands too hard. "Isn't that Mr. Putter, who keeps a livery-stable here?" inquired Mr.

We have the materials and tools, but there are no plans and specifications and no master-workman in charge of the construction. We putter around in an aimless sort of way and get nowhere. "With all his natural capacity the President seems to lack the faculty of employing team-work and of adopting a system to utilize the brains of other men. It is a decided defect in an executive.

"Evidently not," the old man rejoined. "Well, you can have your wish fur's carpenterin' goes. You can putter round here much as you like." Mr. Snelling moved toward the long workbench. "This is a neat thing," remarked he, regarding the unfinished invention quite as if he had never heard of it before. "What are you doing here?" A glow of satisfaction spread over the little fellow's kindly face.

With her at his side, what might he not do? He might get his handicap down to six to three to scratch to plus something! Good heavens, why, even the Amateur Championship was not outside the range of possibility. Mortimer Sturgis shook his putter solemnly in the air, and vowed a silent vow that he would win this pearl among women.

She was sorry for him as she watched him putter, and she helped him; stayed late, and powerfully exhorted her successor. Mr. Wilkins revived and hoped that she would stay another week, but stay she could not.

He stopped to speak to men on the street. When he went to putter about in the garden he whistled and sang. One afternoon in the fall he came home and found the whole family assembled in the living room of the house. The children were playing on the floor and the negress sat in the chair by the window with his youngest child in her arms, crooning one of the negro songs. Mary Cochran was there.