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While, he admired the farms, he did not hesitate to comment severely on the want of enterprise shown by the farmers, who seemed to be content "to putter along" as their fathers had done, with little desire to avail themselves of the many inventions and discoveries which modern science and art had placed at the disposal of the farmer.

That's all he ever says, you might say. I never see nothin' like it, never, the way that hired man talks to him; you'd think he was the Queen o' Sheba. "An' he goes squintin' about here an' there, changin' this an' that, an' singin' away an' laughin' you'd think he'd have a fit. Seems's if he loved to putter about 'n' fool with things in a room, like women. I heard him say so myself.

Whipple holed out on his next try, adopting a wooden putter this time, and the score stood fifteen strokes each. The honor was West's, and he led off for End Hole with a beautiful brassie drive that cleared the first two bunkers with room to spare.

There is no law to enforce the use of the putter, but even when the idea sometimes occurs to a player that it would be best to use his mashie on the green in particular circumstances, he usually rejects it as improper.

"That's the spirit, Bab. Where are the little girls?" "That's what I wanted to talk to you about, Mother," Barbara, balancing herself on the arm of a chair, tapped her toe with the putter. "Peggy and Alice have gone off to Molly Sawyer's and they've left Keineth home. I don't think they're treating her a bit nicely!" "Why didn't she go with them?" "I don't think Peggy asked her to go.

I like to putter away at these things. Every day I try to come down here for an hour or so. It rests me because it gives my mind a complete change. For, whether you believe it or not," he added with his inimitable chuckle, "to make a poem and to make a chair are two very different things.

But this was a work of time, and we must now go back a little in our history. When Charlie had been two months down the mine as a trapper, he was advanced to a higher post and better wages as a putter. He might have had the increase of wages quite a month before, but he put off applying for the place until it was too late, and another boy had been appointed.

About her quiet reigned; broken now and then by Peggy's bird in its cage and the far-off sound of the gasoline mower on the golf course. Suddenly Barbara came around the corner of the house, like a rose, in her fresh pink gingham. In her hand she swung a putter. "Off for the golf links, dear?" Mrs. Lee asked, glancing with pride over the straight, slim figure of the girl.

The term "putter," it should be understood, includes the specific distinction of the "headsman," "half-marrow," and "foal." The "headsman," taking the part of conductor, pushes behind. The "half-marrows" drag at the sides with ropes; while a "foal" precedes the train, also dragging by a rope.

"Hallelulia; keep a-looking; Hallelulia, my men; Hallelulia; keep a-watching! Must I tell you again?" "Oh, why can't I hole out on each green in two? Because we all find that a hard thing to do." "Hallelulia; grasp your putter Hallelulia, again, Hallelulia; hit it harder! Never up, never in!" It was a great occasion, but I have things to narrate which are of much more import.